Monday, February 20, 2017

What I Have and What I Don't Have

Support comes from within.

Various kinds of support come from surroundings and other people.

But if you have not been trained to feel supported, you may feel without it.

Once you discover your own support from within, you will attract more of it to you.

Whenever you feel a lack of support, you can generate more from within.

Then you will find the resources you need and you can expect connections to work out.

You are then in your right place at the right time.

With confusion or self-doubt, things often do not work out.

Insisting that they must work out, that you deserve a good life, turns you to search in different ways.

Once you begin, and you discover the “within”, you are on the right path.

Going “within” over and over signifies that you are open to receiving something that is there.

And then, you find it.

The deep peace.

The quiet.

The guidance, step by step.

And then, you have all you will ever need.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

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