Sunday, March 31, 2019

Expanding My Happy Place

I am creating a happy place for myself.

It includes everything I love to do.

I get to travel, play with fabric, do my inspirational writing, make my “meditation drawings”.

I live in serenity and calm, both valued states.

I have wonderful companionship.

I have so much compassion for myself.

It has been a gift to explore how to live in such an honest way with myself.

I began by taking the courage to do something that I love.

Every day has been a step from that point.

Now, even more ways are opening up to share the things I love.

I love bringing people along on my travels and sharing my fabric “journals”.

I love see their whole world view expand as they experience another part of the world through fabric.

My happy place is so overflowing that it has expanded to include people.

I love the feeling of sharing the goodness of the world in the hearts of people who have never had that experience before.

As they grow, they release so much fear of “the other”, or “the stranger”.

As we experience what we have in common, our worldview expands and our friendships increase.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The Confidence of Expectation

I have the confidence of expectation as I do the work that I love.

I am in a completely different frame of mind from “bloom where you are planted”.

I am finding new ground to grow in.

As I trust my intuition and move in that direction, I am connecting with what I love.

I am better at it and willing to learn and work at it than other things.

I gain more and more confidence as I do the work to improve at what I love doing.

Even though others do not have the same attitude, I am still able to enjoy myself and to excel.

I am grateful to have the expectation of doing what I love as I follow my intuition.

As I continue in my work, I see more openings and opportunities.

I am able to improve with new goals in mind.

There is a feeling of optimism and happiness.

It is an upbeat experience.

My ability to move in the direction of what I love is connecting me to what I desire.

My life is shifting direction and emphasis.

Instead of using my creative energy for making sure I fit in and can do what is expected of me well, I am enjoying my own direction.

I revel in the trust I am giving myself.

My entire experience is lighter and fuller.

I know now that I can follow this feeling of light and expectation and confidence wherever it takes me.

I have been willing to do the work in other directions.

Now I am doing the work in the direction which calls me.

I am so aligned with who and what I am, that I am experiencing a confidence I never knew was in me.

This is the goal to which I have been moving all my life.

I am so grateful to discover it and put it into action now.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Finding My Place

I am finding my place in a new way.

It is not by doing things.

It is by observing things.

I am in a new place where my role is mostly observation.

I have a little bit of interaction here and there, but mostly, I observe.

I notice the feelings in the interactions around me.

There is no competition or comparison.

People generally seem to be comfortable with who and where they are.

Compared to where I have been living, there is a real lack of tension and fear and anger.

It is something quite real, in the air, in the gentle camaraderie around me.

People are trusted and treated with consideration.

I am obviously a tourist and often help is volunteered.

People are busy and engaged and very willing to help.

There is an efficiency, almost an abruptness, which is just a characteristic style of interacting.

I have a feeling also of being observed, but not criticized.

I often receive direct, compassionate help.

I like the feeling here.

I like how people treat each other.

I like fitting in, even temporarily, in this place.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Success From the Inside

I feel my success now from the inside.

I know the work which I have done to redirect my life and to rewrite the lies I was brought up with.

It has required great consistency in order to gain control instead of living the life that was a result of the lies.

In learning to listen within, I now receive a flow of inspiration.

I trust the flow because I see where it leads me.

It not only comforts me, it causes others to feel better within themselves as I share it.

The success I feel within creates peace and calm throughout my life.

I am willing to move in the new direction created by the flow of inspiration which I receive daily.

I am confident as I connect with the resources which help me express my ideas.

I feel a sense of expectancy and joy and confidence.

I am sure of my ideas because I have seen the change they have created for me.

I live in complete confidence as I allow my ideas to flow abundantly.

By responding to my new direction instead of past fears, I walk on new ground.

I have dealt with each fear and redirected myself so consistently that I have a new life.

My tiny steps have added up to living in a place of happiness, joy and confidence.

I am sure of myself and my ability to live in comfort.

I love building on my success within and seeing it expressed outwardly.

I am grateful for the appreciation that my work receives.

I am grateful that people recognize the work that I am doing.

I love seeing the uplifting effect that my work brings into the lives of others.

It is a joy experiencing success from within and seeing it spread to so many.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, March 11, 2019

Poise in My New Position

The steps I have taken are overcoming deep fears from my past.

I am receiving encouragement from the progress I am experiencing.

I am finding new and meaningful connections.

I am learning that I can walk away from the old patterns.

My new life is one that I choose.

I include what is important and lovely.

I am part of a world of value and beauty.

As I express the ideas which come to me, I am participating in my own world creation.

I value my ability to create meaningful work and to share it with my community.

I am empowered to create and to share my inspiration through continuing to take each tiny step.

I have the authority to express my ideas in meaningful ways.

I value the opportunities I am receiving by putting my ideas into action.

I trust the response I elicit through my uplifting words.

I feel the uplifting power from within.

I see the improvement in my own life.

I am living with poise and satisfying self-direction.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Serene Beginnings

As I get closer and closer to my goal, and each step has been taken, I find greater serenity.

I am satisfied to be pursuing a new direction in my life.

Everything which has happened before has brought me here.

I am open to the new ideas which I know will be coming.

I feel as though I am finding my home, even though I have no idea what the future is bringing me.

I know that I am always moving toward more peace, happiness and satisfaction.

I have made those qualities a deep part of my life.

As I listen for and receive inspiration, I am continually moved to share it.

New ways consistently open up to me.

I effortlessly connect with the most appropriate resources.

This has been the pattern for the last few years, and it continues to happen.

I am learning to expect good in my life.

I am grateful to recognize soulmates in my many groups of givers.

I am glad to have a beautiful community around me.

I feel my life extending into my new surroundings with peace and calm.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage