Thursday, October 31, 2019

Awakening to Completeness

For many years, Ihave been writing down my thoughts about healing my child trauma.

As I gather my materials together, I see that I have matured greatly into my healing.

I have made a lot of progress.

I have different ways of interrupting my fears and moving myself into productive activity.

My intense desire for healing, (because the alternative was unacceptable), has given me the courage and persistence to stick with it.

Facing down the obstacles has required repeated strength.

Even though I still have many triggering effects to deal with, I can take action and move myself into a better state.

My practice has buit a new foundation for my life.

As I gather my energies together, I see that I have a body of work to share to help others.

I continue to learn the skills to release my materials.

I have the patience and self-compassion to continue learning as I take my tiny steps.

I feel calm and grateful as I realize how far I have come.

My life would have continued down its frantic, anxious and depressive path without my work to heal.

I am grateful for all the workshops, writers, therapists, and understanding and supportive friends who have helped me heal.

I am grateful for the opportunity to share the healing strategies which I have learned and which I have developed for myself.

I am in a new place.

It is wonderful to awake to completeness.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Happiness Field

Through connecting the threads of the tiny steps I am taking, I am gaining access to the happiness field.

The nerves which were sheared through long-term trauma are being connected and there is a tiny flow to a part of me that knows happiness.

It has always been there, available, waiting, but with no connection to it.

By discovering and immersing myself in what I love to do, I began the process of reconstructing a connection which was lost so many years ago.

The tiny flow increases every time I do what I love to do.

It is increasing at such a rate that I am able to help others move into their fields of happiness also.

I trust what I love to do so much that it separates me from others’ opinions about what I should do.

Discovering the never-ending consistent love whch I have, keeps me from veering off the path despite my other skills.

I arrive over and over again at my field of happiness and find it expanding each time.

By continuing to stay consistently on my path, I am becoming visible to others.

I am able to accept offers of help from those who recognize my path.

Making progress in my chosen direction feels very wonderful.

I am sincere and authentic in my chosen path of loving what I do.

I feel my conection to those who wil most benefit.

I enjoy the fact that I can help guide them to their own field of happiness.

I respect the individuality of each person who comes to me and I encourage them in developing it.

This alignment produces the most happy and satisfying life.

We can live in our field of happiness by respecting what we love to do and continually taking the tiny steps which authenticate our progress.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, October 28, 2019

All My Resources

What if I used all my resources to make myself happy?

I have been using almost all my resources to make sure everything runs smoothly for others.

Now that I have started applying my resources to myself, I feel as though I am having a complete life make-over.

I am important.

What I do is significant.

How I feel about things is something important to consider.

How I best feel I can use my time is important and significant.

Where I want to go and what I want to do is vital.

Giving myself the benefit of trusting my intuition gives me the courage to take steps which validate my resources.

I see significant progress when I apply all my resources to myself.

I accomplish my projects with full energy directed to them.

I expand my outreach beyond the basics when I utilize all my resources for myself.

I am happy and fulfiled and energized.

I follow through on my intuition readily and take action.

With my focus on what is important to me, I am relaxed as I move into fulfillment.

I can trust the outcome when I conentrate all my resources on myself.

I have the time, money, supplies and connections to accomplish what I love.

I am immersed in the feeling of success.

Happiness permeates me as I experience my progress.

I leave frustration and doubt behind.

I am confident and poised as I utilize all the resources at hand.

I love what I am able to accomplish.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Care From the Universe

The Universe of ideas is unlimited.

When you start being willing to receive them, they will flow in increasing number and frequency.

They will fit you, tailor made, to your personality, skills and desires.

The more you respond to them, the more you will receive them.

Your life will be completely shaped by your reception and devleopment of the ideas which come to you.

You will experience satisfaction and fulfillment consistently and on a greater and greater scale.

You will not be tied to traditional forms of education or of marketing.

Yours will be a path of receiving ideas whenever you need them, wherever you are.

These ideas will be perfect for your situation.

You will be supplied withwhatever you need to develop them as you continue to listen inwardly.

People will show up, either with skills you need, or, for contrast, skills you do not need.

Either way, your path will continue to be defined for you.

You may relocate, either by some curious desire to be somewhere else, or by a deeply defined goal you have always had.

Always the Universe will be there with its unlimited resources and guidance.

You will find your connections happen more frequently and more naturally.

You will start to reshape your expectations for good things to come into your life.

You will get used to the new feeling of safety and happiness, although it may take a while depending on your past.

You will feel completely in alignment with who you are, what you do, and what you love.

You will relate to the world with an uplifting disposition.

You will feel completely at home with your surroundings.

You will feel empowered to live freely, in a way which is safe and satsifying to you in every way.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Connection and Separation

There is a power of connection and separation.

We are led to connect with the people and places which will serve us best.

We are also disconnected from the situations and people who are damaging to us.

As we go about our day, we connect with the little things we need.

We are able to avoid things which are dangerous to us.

When we carry a concept of ourselves which listens for guidance and responds to the ideas which come to us, we are connected in good ways.

When we feel swayed by ideas and temptations which take us off our path of service and fulfillment, we find ourselves naturally separating from them.

The Power which places us where we can feel fufilled is our deep consciousness.

This Power separates us from unfulfilling propositions no matter who is promoting them.

When we find ourselves caught in something which we thought was good, but turns out to be taking us away from our true purpose, we can stop going in that direction.

Whatever the cost, it will be less than not remaining true to our purpose.

The thought of moving in a direction which does not unite us with our purpose is a good reason for separating ourselves from it.

Then we can continue following through on our connection which has come to us thorugh our inner listening.

At different times, we have to take a stand for who we are and our right to express our deep identity.

We have to turn away from the excuses which look more tempting, such as someone else’s definition of us and how we can fufil their version of us.

We are never in the power of someone else’s personality once we recognize it for what it is.

We can separate ourselves and reconnect with our deep sense of who we are.

Our ability to discern our deep identity enables us to connect and to separate at the appropriate times.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Slow Down and Listen

I was involved with delightful family exchange during and after dinner when I realized I needed some more alone time.

I have gotten used to listening within for long periods of the day.

I need that solitude to listen deeply within.

It was easy to remove myself from the conversation and to move where I could be alone.

In the alone time, I have learned how to slow down.

As I regulate my breathing, I feel the tensions of my world drop away from me.

I enter the realm of quiet within.

Here is where I find my peace.

Here is where intuitive messages come to me.

I receive practical ideas as well as a general feeling of peace and wholeness.

I am learning to translate ideas into action while remaining in my peace.

I feel the wholeness of the idea and then I begin to live it.

There is a continuous flow as I witness how all the elements come together.

My calmer approach allows me to sense when everything is complete.

I can make changes as I hear the refinements to my project during my quiet time.

I continue to listen patiently until I hear the answer to a problem.

My listening time is the way I check on myself, to make sure I am following my priorities.

I am able to loose any incompatible influences as I become completely quiet within.

My true nature reveals itself to me and I am able to express who I am confidently.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, October 13, 2019

A Happy and Fulfilling Visit

I did not know it could happen to me, but I have had a happy and fulfilling visit.

The first thing is that we have a warm and welcoming place to stay with a relative.

Then, we drove to another state for some business and had a wonderful visit with friends there.

Having the experience of building lasting community is new to me.

It is a deeply comforting thing to experience.

After living most of my life in emotional isolation due to child trauma, it is a new venture to have friends whom I can trust.

We have kept in touch during the many months that I have been out of town.

It was so much fun to pick up the conversation in person and to share projects which have only been seen in photos.

We have built a long term sense of intimacy and trust through many conversations about family issues, carreer goals and possiblities, and fabric designs and their executiion.

What ties it all together is the respect we have for one another’s lives, both triumphs and celebrations and challenges and suffering.

It is natural now for me to see how developing authentic friendships results in a feeling of comfort in the world.

Knowing I can go from place to place and still have good friendships is a wonderful way to travel and to share adventures.

The communication tools of social media speed up the immediacy of staying in contact.

The good feeling which comes through is enhanced with a face-to-face visit.

I look forward to continuing my travels, to sharing my experiences long distance, and then to have the delight of in-person visits.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Replace with Self-Compassion

Replace your self-criticism with the uplifting process of self-compassion.

Be gentle with yourself.

You have faced many obstacles, some of them hidden.

As you become aware of the strengths which have brought you to where you are now, despite the obstacles, you will have more self-respect.

Each quality which you express has been part of your survival mechanism.

It has served you well.

The fact that you are noticing your status means that you have a moment to reflect on it.

You have gone beyond “mere” survival.

You are in a position to create a new approach to your life, one built on self-compassion.

The conditions which you will attract from now on will be those which support you in the best ways.

You will attract work which you find uplifting and friends and co-workers who are positive in their outlook.

All of your life will be in service to the high ideals which now fill your life.

Your inner being has sought them out and now you can express them in your outer environment.

Self-compassion recognizes the work which you have done despite the negative circumstances of your past life.

It raises you up into self-appreciation, and allows your higher nature to place you naturally in positive and beautiful surroundings.

Your inner work and desire to live well creates purpose and focus.

This is a powerful force for organization and fulfillment.

As you continue to take your steps towards fulfillment and satisfaction, many harmonious elements will appear to move you forward.

Your awareness of them will cause you to pay attention to them and the effect will multiply.

Your self-compassion will expand to permeate every facet of your life and you will live in harmony, security and happiness.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Celebrate Certainty

I am so happy to know who I am and what I love to do.

I am convinced of my right to pursue my own goals.

I am grateful to discover my purpose and to take action to carry it out.

This is all cause for celebration!

As I have taken the steps to figure out my place in the world, I have looked into what has been most meaningful for me.

The steps of healing which have taken me from collapsing from panic attacks to becoming poised and confident have been empowering.

Each tiny step has been contributing to a new foundation for my lfe all along.

I am happy to share my steps with others and to encourage them in their own healing.

I am certain that my steps can help others achieve more calm, certainty and happiness in their own lives.

My commitment to establishing a calm life for myself is giving me more poise and confidence.

I never have to rush or to feel harrassed.

I always have time to do what is important to me.

I always have the resources to develop my ideas.

I am able to share my ideas and to receive recognition and appreciation for them.

People feel better about themselves when they come in contact with my ideas and materials and carry out my projects.

I am in a good place where I belong.

My certainty gives me a secure feeling.

I can move freely in my new life and surroundings.

I am happy to discover my value.

I am grateful that my integrity compels me to develop it over all other ideas or directions.

I am commited to my own happiness and progress.

I can feel the strength that my certainty gives me.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, October 4, 2019

Courage to Be Seen

As I progress in doing what I love and desire to share it, I am concerned about being seen, even though that is necessary in order to share.

I am concerned about criticism and the old cycle which used to occur from the past.

Since criticism used to escalate into abuse, it is a perfectly reasonable memory.

The knowledge that I am dealing with a memory gives me the courage to apply the techniques I have learned to reduce and eliminate fear.

Breaking the cycles of trauma is possible and I have done it any number of times as I progress.

I am noticing so many times when I am safe.

I am going to all kinds of new places in this country and also while travelling and realizing over and over again that I am safe.

This is a wonderful freedom for me.

This is giving me the foundation to continue taking the tiny steps to reach my goal of sharing my ideas and products and publications.

There are so many people who contribute to my feeling of safety and I am very aware of and grateful to them.

As I build my awareness of my safety, my outreach expands.

I gain courage to continue taking my next steps.

I am able to research how to do new things.

I am able to apply my new knowledge.

I see what is shaping up and feel a sense of accomplishment.

I experience new confidence.

My desire to share my valuable experiences in overcoming trauma, step by step, is creating a safe place for me.

It is allowing me to be seen, and also to feel safe.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Fulfillment in Patience

Kindness and patience are such deeply blessed practices.

Even if something is not working out right now, patience will give it the time and room it needs to heal.

During all time, it is good to be kind.

The fulfillment of patience is in trusting that answers will appear.

Holding the situation in love during that time cushions it.

Patience provides the background to healing.

Trusting in good to bring all elements together happens through patience.

Letting things grow together when they are ready strengthens healing.

Preparing the gournd through self-compassion and forgiveness is key.

When the time is right, all elements are ready, and patience is fulfilled.

Gentleness for all parties guards this precious time.

Surrounding each one with a larger sense of kindness allows the connecting tissue to heal raw emotions.

Misunderstandings are cleared up in completely natural ways.

Function is restored as inoperable situations are left behind.

A new foundation is laid for giving and recieving love and consideration.

A new creation is revealed through the largess of the Universe.

A new generation of relationship, conversation, and wholesome activity resumes.

The bridging steps are taken.

Old systems are discarded and new ones readily embraced.

This is what the fulfillment of patience allows to be built.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage