Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Feeling Better, Living Better

As one’s self-concept improves, so does the rest of life experience.

As I incorporate more of what I love to do, and the rest of my life becomes better in balance, I find I am genuinely happy.

As I reach out for how to live a higher purpose, it leaves room for a more expansive experience.

I am led to create products, and to venture into new venues.

The experience and feedback from sharing my ideas stimulates more ideas to move in new directions.

New settings give a wider context to what I am doing.

I am able to gain new focus in a new setting.

As I return to home ground, I am able to focus on possibilities I had not seen before.

A new shape takes place.

I release old concepts of expression to create room for the new, current ones.

Even with major changes, the transitions have become gentler.

My new focus allows me to see what is important and what is stagnant and to rearrange and reorganize accordingly.

Decision-making becomes effortless.

The old is ready to go to make room for the new.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, September 21, 2018

Becoming Acceptable

When your ideas move you faster or are beyond those in your present circle, it is possible to find a way to become acceptable.

Since this is an ongoing problem for me, I have discovered that I can listen for ideas to comfort those around me.

By tuning into the one issue that is causing alarm, I can create enough of a comfort perimeter to blend in.

This allows me to continue working on my innovative ideas, which are usually twenty to thirty years ahead, ( I have seen my ideas adapted into common practice in my field on that timetable).

I am grateful to make the discovery that, in addition to listening for ideas which build foundations to solve future problems, I can also provide a protective barrier for myself by comforting those around me.

I love listening for and receiving ideas.

I love carrying them out.

Now, I am grateful to find a way to give myself the room to keep growing while providing a level of comfort for those nearby.

Each step is valuable.

Learning to listen for and receive ideas.

Being guided to take the steps to develop and manifest them.

Providing room for my own growth while providing comfort for others.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Gratitude Every Day

I am becoming so satisfied with my practice of gratitude.

I am taking steps to fulfill my promises to myself.

So many tiny steps are adding up to beautiful accomplishments.

Through decades and years and months, new ideas are coming to fruition.

They are encompassing everything I love to do.

I am learning to trust the strength and guidance provided through my spiritual study.

It is a constant which is reshaping how I think about things.

I love the work I am doing.

I am looking forward to doing more of it.

It comforts and expands my soul.

I can feel things moving into place that I have continued to dream about.

I am so grateful to see things move from ideas into production.

I am so happy to share the ideas which inspire me and make me happy.

I am so grateful to find my life purpose and direction.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Living With Certainty

You can live with certainly when you do not depend on outside factors.

Your well-being comes from your dependence on the security and guidance from within.

The sense of a calm, directing Presence is always there when we listen quietly.

This sense tells us when to do things.

The timing is always exact.

The Universe Who Loves Us knows where we need to be and guides us to be there from within.

Our resources are always at hand when we listen this way.

We make optimum connections when we attune ourselves to the pulse of the Universe.

We are unmoved by the destruction and disturbance from politics and economics.

We know we have a place which is guarded and protected as long as we listen within.

Our safety is assured through dependence on our inner Guidance.

We can live joyfully and freely regardless of the circumstances.

Do not doubt this is possible.

I have tried it both ways, and this way is better.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Ruffling Feathers

We often hear that we are “ruffling someone’s feathers” when we organize change.

What we don’t realize is that we “ruffle our own feathers” when we try to change something in our own life.

We create resistance to our own desire for change.

Until we can listen to what our old behavior is telling us, we will not know how to change it.

Once we substitute language for the life we desire, we can begin to look for results.

The result will be a feeling that change is possible.

Once we realize that it depends on us, and not on outside factors, we can become an effective advocate for ourselves.

That old habit is not doing us any good.

It is keeping us in a place we wish to improve upon.

The new language we use to describe ourselves can lift us out of our old place.

The new habit of accepting an improved view, brings us into that view.

While the new language is becoming a habit, we may find ourselves slipping back and forth between our old results and some new results.

The happiness we are feeling because of the new results motivates us to continue replacing our old language with our new language.

This becomes so habitual that we start spending more time doing what we love in a place we have defined for ourselves.

Then the old “ruffled feathers” no longer concern us.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Moving Out From Tunnel Vision

I found myself irritated at a conversation I heard while I was working on a project.

Increasingly, I also found myself reacting to the fluorescent lighting.

As I took steps to mitigate the lighting by putting on a hat I wear for protection from the sun, I found that I could no longer concentrate on my project.

I moved into a room with natural lighting and sat down to calm down.

A friend joined me to converse and to ease the situation.

Not until I got home and talked with my husband did I realize that I had been in the middle of a full-blown panic attack.

I realized that the irritating conversation I heard was a trigger for a feeling of extreme frustration from the past.

Since it was not directed at me, I had not caught it.

I am grateful to realize another example so that I can redirect myself.

I am grateful for the friend who helped me calm down with supportive conversation.

I will now be more aware when a combination of factors causes me to react with irritation and sensitivity.

I will act as quickly as I can to restore myself to my new standard of safety and harmony.

Fortunately, I am farther and farther away from the past causes of my symptoms.

 I have  acquired effective tools and techniques to deal with such situations.

I am around forgiving and understanding people, and I will ask for their patience once again.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, September 3, 2018

Self-Care and Priorities

It is always important to listen for your priorities in order to take good care of yourself.

Once you have attended to your soul’s needs, then you can take care of the other things.

The soul needs to be satisfied that you are doing what you love to do.

It is important that you are giving service to your community at the same time.

What you do which uplifts yourself, uplifts your community as well.

You lay groundwork by valuing the ideas which come to you.

Your unique ability to serve your community is your niche.

Your purpose is fulfilled as you do what you love to do.

The self-satisfaction of pursing an endeavor fully commits you to honoring your soul’s purpose.

Observing what is going on around you keeps you in touch with practical matters, but does not distract you from your priority.

It is the greatest satisfaction and happiness to have love for what you do, plus service, be aligned and in harmony during your day.

You can draw freely on the resources you have gathered and produce your best work.

You can provide uplifting service by sharing the happiness and quality of your work.

You can live well by your devotion to your work.

You do not endure frustration or irritation by putting off your life’s priorities once you have found them.

Recognizing and following your priorities lifts you up, it adds to your satisfaction and allows you to care for yourself on a deep level.

It contributes to the atmosphere of your community and encourages others to look to their priorities.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage