Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Comfort From Within

I am discovering the persistent presence and consistency of comfort from within.

Whenever I am faced with confusion or uncertainty, I can find my way forward by listening within.

My intuition goes into action and I am led to take the steps I need, big or small.

Mostly, I take lots of tiny steps, but every once in a while, I take a big step.

I figure the foundation has been laid through the many tiny steps to allow a big step.

When a big step happens, all the minutae of details are present, supporting the big step.

The importance of establishing connections through all the tiny steps is essential.

These little steps are a comfort every time they are taken.

This comfort assures support for the big step.

As we listen within, and find the comforting Presence, we are able to act on Its Guidance.

We see our progress by going from comfort to comfort in each tiny step.

Then we can observe the larger step and have a larger perspective on the comfort we have been creating and maintaining.

As I create a comforting atmosphere for myself, I see how it comes from wthin and expands around me.

I gain trust and assurance for myself as I expand my range this way.

I find that comforting situations and atmosphere come to meet me.

When I clearly define what comforts me and then create and maintain it, that is what appears wherever I go.

Any situation which does not feel comfortable is a warning and a protection.

I can find another way.

After all, that is what I have been doing through my new practice of listening within.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Courage to Rebuild

I am receiving the ideas I need from many wonderful resources in order to rebuild my life.

I can feel the new foundation taking place as I take each new step.

I can choose the company I keep and the supportive friends I enjoy.

I can find the solution to each big and little manifestation of the negativity of the past.

My steps are more sure as I place my need to be fulfilled and happy in the forefront of my activities.

Being in a direct line to receive the good I have always worked for makes it easier to rebuild.

My life is worthy and important;  I am not here just to serve the needs of others.

My life has a value of its own, newly discovered.

I am able to proceed directly to my own goals.

Everything which I learn helps me move more securely toward my goal.

My foundation becomes stronger as I express myself clearly and confidently.

I attract those of good character around me as I express myself without fear.

I have the courage to learn the new skills which will insure my success.

I feel the presence of security and guidance taking me to where I belong.

I am able to recognize the attracting force of my healing and to receive its benefits.

I am able to increase my calmness and to expand it into more and more situations around me.

I am able to spend more time in the deep peace which nurtures and nourishes me.

My ability to receive peace is the most important factor in rebuilding my life.

By doing the things I love, I align myself with the peace I desire. 

I remain in the deep peace until it permeates my entire being before I take even one step.

I feel my true nature and capacity in a state of deep peace.

I see that I am living and working from a completely different foundation now that I am building on what is revealed to me in deep peace.

My courage to leave the old foundation of negativity and to explore the possibility of a different kind of foundation has brought me into my new and beautiful life.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, July 19, 2019

Crushing the Demons (and crowding them out!)

As I continue to heal, I can feel the difference between my own thoughts and the thoughts and actions which have been imposed on me.

I am creating more room for my own true identity and this is crowding out the feelings which have terrorized me for so long.

As I stand up to my abusive parents (in my mind, because they are long dead), I can feel the visceral challenge.

With trembling body, I go out the door to run my errands.

I brace myself for the inevitable physical disorganization, but it does not come.

A bully will always back down when faced with courage and integrity.

I am amazed when I return, that I was able to perform such a simple feat without backing down.

My heart rate is elevated, but I made it.

The next time is better.

I am finding my way back to competence and control of my body and of my life.

I am gaining the confidence which was hidden under the terror for so many years.

I am facing down my demons.

I begin to embody the hope that I will complete my many and delightful goals.

My self-criticism is ebbing away and instead I embrace self-compassion.

I trust myself.

I am able to follow through on what I desire to do.

I am able to do the little things.

I leave behind old associations and their negative effects.

I find new uplifting friends in new uplifting surroudnings.

I am able to sustain myself, physically, emotionally, financially.

My inner core of self-respect expands outward to all who meet me.

I love my new personhood and embrace it fully

I am no longer the terrorized littel girl of so any decades.

I, as a strong adult, have crushed the demons which caused so much despair and terror.

I live fully, confidently and happily.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Replacing the Ugly

You have to replace the ugliness in your past life  in order to move forward.

Otherwise, it just sits there in the pit of your stomach, waiting to exert its negative forces on you for lack of a challenge to it.

It replays across your memory until you fill yourself up with so much good, true, positive stuff that it runs out over the edge.

It will still cling to the edge until you do the requisite consistent work to detach it completely.

It may still try to come back as an echo, but by then, you will have some excellent practice in remembering and adding to your store of the good, true, and beautiful about yourself.

By filling yourself up with work you love to do, you validate yourself.

You show that you honor your judgement, that you are a person of integrity.

When you remove yourself from any negative situation, whether inposed from the outside or the inside, you are taking a stand for the beautiful person you are.

You are giving yourself permission to live well.

You are giving yourself the endorsement of your action.

You show courage in acting on your own behalf.

When you take a stand on behalf of yourself, you come into alignment with who you really are.

You give yourself a clear and uncluttered path toward the goals which are important to you.

You gain confidence in being the truly wonderful and capable and original person you are.

Your new concept of yourself sends out an uplifting atmosphere around you whch defines you.

Other people feel it and respond to it.

You create an energy wave which enriches others around you.

They are energized to respond on a higher frequency now that they have felt it.

You empower yourself in a way which launches you permanently on your own powerful path.

It completely negates the old ruts of habit from the past.

You attract uplifting company and companionship.

You are able to move freely in your new life and to share generously.

You move into your unlimited flow of harmonious well-being.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Crossing Paths

As my life develops, I cross paths with many people.

Some are going along parts of my path, and we converge for a time.

Some only cross briefly and we nod in passing.

Some people turn up later and we have more in common from our richer lives.

We are always blessed by the grace we receive as we go along our path.

We learn from our mistakes and correct them, sooner or later, once they are no longer useful.

Those who are learning the same kinds of lessons come into our sphere in different ways.

With some people, we learn lessons in contrast to theirs and have a briefer association.

We learn how to create enduring relationships with those who have the same general ideals as we do.

We walk together for some time.

Our path grows wider and wider as we attract more individuals who share similar goals.

Community begins to build.

We share goals and solutions.

We develop our values.

Our life fills out.

We see connections and share our happiness.

A secure feeling envelops us all.

We share our wonderful feeling of security wider and wider.

People love to come into our community, feeling safe to develop their ideas.

There is always room for those to share their uplifting skills and ideas.

Some people diverge from the community and find their way along other paths.

There is room to reflect on who we are and where we can serve most beneficially.

Our paths are never static, but always changing to lead us into new knowledge and higher practice.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage 

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Grounding and Connection

I am discovering my right to be grounded and connected.

All the disconnections created by trauma are finding their connections, one by one.

As I listen within and take my guided tiny steps, I place myself on my own foundation.

I am connected and immoveable.

I observe the activities of others, but I am connected and commited to my own foundation and path.

I am prepared within and without for each step of progress.

My unbreakable connection to my goal unfailingly steers my course.

As I realize the power of my connection, I can take my beginning steps at any time.

My connection is unrelenting and is a consistent driver from within.

Any misstep is corrected, and I regain my path quickly.

I am wholly commited and connected to my foundation and my path.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, July 8, 2019

Listen Even More Deeply

Your inner voice is the one whch tells you that you are loved, cherished and adored.

Listen even more deeply until you hear it.

You will hear the words which describe your connection to the divine.

You will feel the presence of deep, calm peace and connection.

You will discern what it is that you need.

You will be able to listen carefully and consistently.

You will take your tiny steps.

You will fulfill your mission.

Your mission is to love yourself and to be loved.

As you love yourself, others will feel it and love you, too.

You are the leader in your connection and healing.

As you release your fear and dread, and live from your light within, others will see you in that light.

The fear and dread are always imposed.

We are naturally full of love for ourselves and others.

If we have been informed by cruelty and selfishness around us, we have to find our way out of the gloom, depression and despair.

We do that by our desire to live better, which is a feeling from within.

Then, we develop our inner listening.

And we begin our journey.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Becoming Whole

We do not become whole by putting fragments together.

When we feel fragmented, we need to disover our wholeness within.

As we try to fulfill all the requiements of the day from our personal energy and resources, we will fail.

The wholeness we desire comes from the Infinite Resources we can discover within.

As we take a few moments to listen calmly, we can begin to sense a Divine Presence within.

The moment we feel this, we discover the link to our wholeness.

Our feeling of calm allows us to listen for guidance.

Our wholeness provides the steps to action.

Our entire being aligns itself with patience.

We are poised to take action when the time comes.

The time preceeding action is spent in quiet listening.

We can certainly make a list of things which need to be accomplished.

Then, as we quietly acknowledge our inner connection, the day takes shape.

We move effortlessly from one activity to the next.

Every moment connects to the resources necessary for excellent work and timely action.

We are able to act with assurance and confidence.

This is the feeling we generate around us as we accomplish our tasks.

We no longer feel fragmented as we see everything come together in a natural and harmonious way.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, July 1, 2019

My Life of Security and Peace

I am in a place of respect and joy.

I love my life of wholeness and grace.

What I receive I know comes from within, from my contact with the Universe.

I freely receive and freely give.

I am always in a place of abundance.

I live securely and certainly in that knowledge.

My health and well-being come from taking action in that knowledge.

I am able to help others come to that knowledge for themselves.

They, too, have the spiritual connection within which enables them to receive guidance.

All our character is shaped and expressed through our connection to the divine within.

We are able to create an uplifing life for ourselves and to encourage and help others to do so.

As we gain in knowledge of our own security, we are led to take appropriate action in that direction.

As we share our knowledge, others are uplifted to listen within and to take appropriate action.

The benefits which come to us are not exclusive.

They are available to all who listen within.

Gaining a desire for quietness and peace within leads to secure decision-making.

We naturally discover the places and take actions which give us security.

By sharing our knowledge and our peace, others find the same kinds of resources within themselves.

All is well within, and therefore, all is well in our surroundings.

We remove ourselves from doubt and insecurity when we live our lives from divine direction.

We are always where we can receive and give.

We are always satisfied.

We are always fulfilled.

Our lives are lived in a realm of understanding, patience, and joy.

We give that to ourselves and we give it to those around us.

We grow in the grace of our divine development.

Our community expands securely.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage