Thursday, August 29, 2019

Higher Ideals

Listen within and be guided to live to match your intuition.

You can always feel what is deeply true about yourself.

When you take the action which expresses your deep truth you have a powerful effect in your community.

The visible proof of your alignment is an attracting force.

From within, you are always led to go up higher.

Taking the practical steps to realize your higher ideals uplifts you.

Many are inspired by your ideals and how you are expressing them.

It gives them courage and inspiration to pursue their own higher ideals.

Following the inner guidance to outer expression is the most efficient and effective way of conveying practical ideals.

The ideals of kindness, generosity and compassion open the way to their expression.

They are not the ways of fear, limitation and the protection of personal resources.

Imagination based on ideals creates new solutions from right where we are standing.

When we let go of the outside limited view of reality and let ourselves be inspired by expansive ideals, those answers and solutions come into our lives.

They change the way we do things and expand who is served.

The ideal of well-being for all is completely achievable.

The practice of limited good excludes well-being for all by redirecting resources to selfish and limited thinkers.

We are capable of overriding our own limitations.

As we continue to do that, we will instigate a more generous practice around us.

Higher ideals and their solutions are attractive to everyone who is willing to see well-being for all.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Moving Into the Dimension of Play

There is room for so much play in our lives.

It is fun to consider things for the pure joy of it.

It is fun to work in a new element and dimension.

It is fun to run, and to jump into new ideas.

It is a feeling of happiness without a particular direction or commitment.

There is a feeling of delight in exploring for its own sake.

We can try out new ideas and actions and enjoy our new experiences in all dimensions.

In all the ways that play affects us the most, imagination is one of the highest forms.

We break through limitations in imagination.

We soar above problems and enter a life with a completely different kind of energy.

Sometimes our flights in imagination allow us to bring back wonderful ideas in which we work our way back to a solution which applies in our present state.

We sense a freedom beyond what we are living right now.

Because that experience exists in imagination, we are able to access it anytime we wish.

We can move ourselves into play through imagination.

We can bring back powerful solutions to our current problems and let them expand as far as we can imagine.

All inventions deal with imagination and play in some form.

All the brilliant leaders in social sciences as well as in “hard” sciences, artists, and creatives in business are used to working from the dimension of imagination and play.

We can all feel the upliftment and practical results from moving ourselves into play.

Let us play in small ways over short periods of time.

And then let us move into the dimension of play and see how it leads us into bigger solutions.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Walk Away

Walk away from people who are willing to be mean.

Mean is the opposite of generous, caring, compassionate.

Place yourself in circumstances which reflect your philosophy and attitude.

With this as a directive, I have been experiencing so much friendship and support during our travels.

We just seem to fall into comfortable associations.

We make friends in the pastelaria where we go every day for pastries.

We enjoy sincere conversations with the other people who are staying in our shared residences.

We all learn more about each other’s countries of origin.

I enjoy my friends at my new overseas knitting group for the time I am there.

Everyone enjoys my experiences of life in their country and my explanations of things they are interested in about my country.

We walk together in appreciation through these conversational excursions.

Old experiences of being stuck with mean, unhappy and cruel people have been replaced with genuine interest and respect.

It is a great new way to experience my life.

I am glad I learned to walk away, even with the strong pull to the familiar.

If you are not moving towards good and happiness and appreciation and freedom, you do not need nor want the experience or association.

Set yourself to move in any other direction as long as it is away from hurt.

Give yourself room to develop new feelings and expectations.

You have a right to enjoy your gifts and to be respected and appreciated for them.

If your present environment and location cannot deliver upliftment and support, move as far as you need to in order to find them.

You carry your very delightful identity within you and it will always guide you.

Walk away from hurt and toward the wonderful places which are looking forward to your arrival.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Following Directions

I can follow directions in order to benefit my life.

I have been listening inwardly and disocvering the feeling of doing what I love.

I can extend that feeling to my new field of direction.

As I explore it, I see how all my life’s experiences are brought to bear on it.

I see that the value of what I have learned can be conveyed to others.

As I shape and bring form to the idea, I see a valuable structure for others.

There are many who can benefit from this structure.

All the many steps of preparation, known and unknown, have brought me to a place of valuable sharing.

My consistent practice of integrity and excellence, compassion and creativity all bear on my offering.

I am deighted and relieved to see it gather into a needed skill in today’s world.

As I explore the possibilities for the release of my valuable ideas, I feel so uplifted and blessed.

I had no idea this was a possible and desired direction.

Working step by step to establish my own identity, I can see how so much of my life has been preparation for this step.

I am willing to be connected to the next steps.

My desire to release my ideas for the benefit of others is bringing me into contact with the people, resources and technology to help me.

Even with my life-long habit of checking all around for safety, I am learning to take new steps in a new direction.

I am listening for directions and following them.

I am building trust in my new direction with each step.

I am grateful for the steps others have taken along their own paths in order to be able to bring such powerful and welcome resources into my life.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, August 12, 2019

Change for the Deeper

Every new experience I have takes me deeper into my soul.

As I replace old habits and practices, I have more room to direct my attention to my own goals.

I feel the attracting force which brings wonderful new uplifiting experiences to me.

I participate in uplifiting service.

I help others build a new foundation for themselves.

Going deeper creates a more sure foundation.

I am peaceful and happy with anticipation.

My deeper reailty means I rely less on opinions and input from outside my being.

I am staisfied with the deep peace which comes from within.

It creates a path which I am happy to follow.

I rely on my intiution which connects with me with Guidance.

Outside distractions are less compelling.

I gain new habits which give me assurance and confidence.

I am so happy to find my deeper alliance.

My experience builds on what is good and true.

I release the past more and more.

I have met the challenge of pervasive negative influence and replaced it with harmony and light.

I have gained immense strength and trust in myself.

I am no longer cut down; instead, I rise.

My deeper foundation provides sure footing.

I have the power of my proven ability to overcome deep adversity.

I offer comfort to those who are facing challenges.

Courage builds the required strength to continue to each next step.

I am glad to support those who are looking for their own peace.

I offer encouragement through my own successful life.

Go deeper and build safely and strongly, as is your right.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, August 11, 2019

What I Keep

I do not have to keep anything which no longer serves me.

This is true of memories as well as things.

I have outgrown so many old practices and patterns of behavior.

I am grateful for the new input that is allowing me to live with greater satisfaction and happiness.

What I choose to keep are the techniques and tools which give me my new foundation and move me forward.

I am living in a completely different way than in the past.

I have room for new and uplifiting experiences and friendships.

I keep moving with anticipation and expectation.

I find wonderful, fulfilling experiences which continue to expand my viewpoint.

I connect with interesting people with uplifting attitudes.

I am in a new place where I can share my ideas.

I love standing on my new ground and expanding my view.

I love discovering how I can serve in my new places.

I love the higher connections which come to me.

I feel the attracting force which brings new opportunities to me.

I feel the power of forward motion.

I am at home in my changing intellectual, emotional and physical landscapes.

I am learning to keep my balance as new opportunities occur.

I see my course and continue moving toward my goals.

I feel the presence and evidence of deep peace and satisfaction in my life.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, August 9, 2019

True Unselfishness

When we want for others what we want for ourselves, we are being generous and unselfish.

The Golden Rule exists in every culture.

It is always relevant at every time in history.

It is always relevant at every time in our personal history.

Whenever there is an opportunity to be kind and uplifting and we act that way, we are contributing to a rise in consciousness.

Those whose gain is at the expense of others are not actually rising.

Taking advantage of others does nothing for the well-being of all.

This is our goal as humans, to learn to live from higher motives.

Generously contributing to our communities lets us live a life of assurance.

We see so much weakness and fear when others act solely to their own advantage.

We release ourselves and others from limitations when we realize that there is enough for all.

We are always able to find creative solutions through generosity.

Once we gain a sense of unlimited possibilities, our thoughts go to work in that direction.

We are able to be truly unselfish because we have no fear.

Our fearlessness coveys itself through generosity and compassion.

It is good to learn to practice this for ourselves and then to share our results throughout our communities.

Once the fear is dissolved and kindness is released, it becomes a flow.

It is possible to build on new ground for ourselves, our communities, and our country.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, August 8, 2019

My Creativity

I had no idea how important my creativity is to me.

It turns out, that if I can’t release it, I do not feel right.

It has become my policy to honor my creativity.

Through developing my relationship with the divine, I have been led to prosperity through creativity.

I am now recieving guidance to convert my prosperity so it can be received by others.

The language of the divine often runs counter to every day common sense language.

This is another part of how the divine works.

By sharing, my prosperity increases.

The way has been cleared to translate my prosperity into a new, recievable form.

What a relief to understand that aspect of the divine.

The gentle, pervasive presence of the divine is always there.

Running into obstacles and finding myself back at the same place always alerts me that I am not in sync with the divine.

Especially when I am taking a new step, I have to listen carefully and watch my behavior when something seems to make common sense.

If it does not work, it is not aligned with the divine.

When I do finally discern what is needed, the obstacles are cleared and I can proceed.

The divine is very specific and all-powerful.

I must listen and resond to this authority for progress.

Then I receive the support of the divine and things move forward smoothly.

It is a different way of approaching expansion.

The divine always has the answer, and I always have to find it on its own terms.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Create a New Place

If the old place does not fit, create a new one.

Your inner lstening creates space for Guidance.

As you follow your desires, they take you to a new place.

Your new place may appear dramatically or it may grow into your life gently.

All the work you have been doing to listen inwardly is guiding you to your new place.

Step by step you are getting there.

Your new foundation is laid with each step.

As you take in the new view, you are already preparing yourself.

Your new direction is being established.

Stepping out from the familiar places you in motion.

You have created room for new feelings and atmosphere around you.

You are replacing old habits with new experiences and feelings.

You are buiding a new relationship to the divine.

You are becoming aware of no limitations.

You are surpassing your old limits.

You are keeping your eye on your goal.

Even if you do not have a specific direction, your motivation is directing you safely.

You can tell the difference between what makes sense and what does not fit.

Your steps become surer and your goal becomes clear.

You have more room for joy and happiness.

You feel your new place approaching.

You follow the steps which come to you.

You are put in contact with the right resources at the right time.

You define yourself and your goal clearly.

You arrive at your new place.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage