Friday, December 27, 2019

Free Your Voice

As you discover your true nature and purpose, it is natural to express it.

Because this seems so challenging at times, it is necessary to cultivate your uplifting message.

It is also necessary to find ways to release and express it.

There are so many people who need to hear what you have learned through conquering your fears.

You may have to conquer one more fear and share your message.

In freeing your voice, remember the first moment of light and peace which you experienced.

Recount the situation you were in when you felt that first instant of hope.

Recall how frequent visits to that small spark of hope fed it into a small, flickering flame.

As you gained confidence in the fact that you are okay and have something to say in your own behalf, the flame grew brighter.

Step by tiny step, you were able to improve your situation.

You learned to listen inwardly instead of trusting the variable nature of things around you.

Your found your footing.

You began to build your foundation.

You discovered what you love to do.

You began sharing your happiness and your insights.

Your desire to help others in your same circumstances led you to find wider ways of sharing.

As that activity continues, you are freeing your voice.

Let everyone who can benefit have the opportunity to hear you.

Be generous; provide many outlets.

Continue to listen and to speak.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Interrupting Habitual Attitudes

In order to progress to a new view, one has to interrupt habitual attitudes.

Attitudes which take us to the same places, have to go.

Our new foundation will be built by taking tiny steps in a new direction.

Our tiny steps will be guided by deep listening within.

When we trust our inner Guidance exclusively, we will feel safe in taking our new steps.

We will feel the perfect fit as we effortlessly take on our new view.

Our old habits will be replaced as we practice living within our new view.

Each time we take on and practice a new habit, it creates a new view.

Our practice moves us into a higher view as we gain skill.

The desire to interrupt a habitual attitude comes from our desire to progress.

As we see what is holding us back, we can search for alternatives.

Our deep listening will identify the problem along with its solution.

We will be led to the solution and how to implement it.

Our new habit will take hold as we reference it more and more consistently.

We see ourselves make progress tiny step by tiny step.

Our consistency becomes evident, through our progress.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Authentically You

When you express yourself authentically, you send out a vector.

Those who are attracted to your character feel your presence in a positive way.

Others veer away from you.

The standards for your life are an important part of your life-practice.

You create an upifting atmosphere around you.

Your activities set a standard of integrity and authenticity.

In order to meet you where you position yourself, others must rise to that type of expression as well.

Those who aspire to improve the way they live will be attracted to what you have to offer.

Those who are seeking healing will find your practice to be a steadying and inspiring influence.

All the tiny steps you have taken to establish your foundation allow you to continue your outreach.

Your stength is unwavering as you support your clients.

You know how to direct them to find their own inner strength to take their own tiny steps.

Your example is proof that others can reach their goals of healing.

By remaining committed to the goals which have arisen consistently in your life-practice, you grow.

Your clients grow.

They see your ability to remain undistracted and learn to trust theiir ability to focus.

You build a community of healing strength as those around you begin to demonstrate their potential through healing.

The authenticity of your work makes itself evident as the community around your clients begins to stabilize and support them.

Trust youself, your intuition and your goals.

You have an important purpose.

You role in learning to concentate your own efforts on healing enables you to be an uplfiting example.

The effective outreach into communities through healing will unify and improve them wherever it occurs.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, December 16, 2019

Safely Guided

In this instant I am safe.

I am guided to safety with each breath.

I have a place to live in safety and in trust.

I am surrouded by those who understand that safety is for everyone.

It is time to gain a universal view of safety.

Our Oneness is our safety.

The grace we receive is ours to bestow.

We are safe when we are generous.

We are safe when we are unselfish.

We are safe when we are understanding.

We are safe when we are patient.

We are safe when we are kind.

All the ways we are safe are available to everyone.

Our safety comes from within.

We are able to be safe when we help others to be safe.

We expand the sense of peace in our community when we help everyone to be safe.

We are inspired to deeds of kindness which help everyone to be safe.

Soon everyone is being kind, because it is the safest way to live.

We ground ourselves in safety when we are universally kind.

We expand into safety with every step.

Our consideration for each and everyone of us guides us to safety.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Exact Guidance

My individuality depends on listening to exact guidance from within and taking action.

Sometimes the action is to wait.

Soetimes it is to change direction entirely.

Sometimes it is to notice an interruption and to get back on course.

I have a distinct personality and purpose.

As long as I am listening to my inward Guidance, I can take exact action.

My action is perfectly timed and draws whatever resources are necessary to me.

The best resources come each time, the most appropriate, the most expansive.

As I take my baby steps, I gain confidence in this consistent occurence.

I trust the waiting times; I veer away from where I do not belong.

I am always given a way to get back to my most effective place.

I notice the calm which surrounds me when I am in my perfect place.

I gravitate toward calm as I remove distractions.

I see my work expand smoothly as I refine my sense of listening and feel exact guidance.

I conect effortlessly where I belong as I feel its definition taking shape within me.

I am able to serve those who will most benefit in the most effective ways.

Everything is timed and placed and released calmly, smoothly, beautifully.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Comforting Myself

It will be so, it will be so.

As a parent, as a teacher, there is no stepping away, there is no giving up.

If someone does not understand, if they are not able to do the work because of some obstacle, it is up to me to find the solution.

I may have to take a completely different route with the person.

I may have to invent something completely new, but I always find a way.

I have never left someone who was in my care, personally or professionally, where they were when they came to me.

It was with some surprise and not a little pain, that I discovered that in business, if someone is not willing to follow a directed path, because of an insurmountable personal obstacle, it is simply not the business person’s fault, and they can walk away.

They can be sure and certain of their view of the person’s potential, but if the person is not willing to go that route because of some deep cause within, the business view is to absolve themselves of any responsiblity whatsoever.

And so, I learned a new path, something completely new, a completely different route for myself.

I listened within.

I read the next chapter in “Untie the Strong Woman”, by the brilliant and compassionate Clarrisa Pinkola Estes, also author of “Women Who Run with the Wolves”.

On page 327 of “Untie the Strong Woman”, there is a poem which she wrote entitled, “The Highest Prayer”.  In it, she describes her grandmother’s deep, clear view that there is always help through the compassion of the Holy Mother.

My spiritual background is different from this terminology, but the depth of the never-ending, never-deserting compassion is unmistakable.

It reached out to where I was and it held me and it embraced me and it comforted me, this compassion.

It said, “Right where you are, right now, right in front of you is a solution, and you are on holy ground.”

It comforted me and it assured me and reassured me that what I am is enough, that I can carry my purpose forward with compassion, that the compassion which is comforting me is a large reservoir from which I may also draw.

It let me know in unmistakable terms that my life direction and purpose, the form and shape which has been revealing itself to me over many decades, is the correct one for me.

It let me know that I am on the right track.

It told me that I am the source and practitioner of a new way, a completely unique approach which will lift up women right where they are, right at the moment of contact, and that they will never feel abandoned ever again.

It told me that what I have to offer will be so accessible that women who are hurting will be able to find their first of many steps of comfort and freedom.

It told me that right where I am, right now, I am surrounded with the comforting embrace of those who have received help from my release of my completely new, completely different practice.

And it told me to keep going.

I have discovered that tiny steps will build a foundation without gaps, and that even if someone else cannot see it, those who can will be benefitted.

And I was also told, “It will be so, it will be so.”

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, December 1, 2019

My Own Track

I have never been on my own track before.

I have been obediently copying the tracks of others, with diligence and excellence.

I have been reaping the rewards of coying the tracks of others with diligence and excellence.

Because of my dissatisfaction and discomfort, I have continued to look for my own track through discovering what I love to do.

I have found what I love to do.

This is the first time I am connecting with my own track.

It is a completely different feeling.

I am learning things which will directly benefit me.

I am learning them in ways that make sense to me.

I am finding the connectors.

I am finding the connections.

My ideas, plus the connectors, creates the connections.

I am learning how to release my ideas so that they will reach those whom they will most benefit.

I love my own track.

It satisfies me and makes me happy.

I look forward to my work every day.

I like living a customized life where I can share the beautiful and uplifiting things I produce.

My messages of inspiration are available to anyone who finds them of value.

I appreciate all the help and support I have received from authors, workshop leaders, therapists and good friends.

I am grateful to share what has come out of my own healing.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage


It was not my fault after all.

There was an impersonal source feeding into that event, which had nothing whatsoever to do with me.

I am now learning that solutions which I tried and tried to use to solve a problem were never going to work, no matter how much I invested in them, and it was considerable.

I am off the hook.

The situation may never resolve, but now I know that I am not now, nor ever was, responsible.

My efforts were irrelevant; they simply did not address the problem.

I am grateful to find this out, so that I can withdraw from the struggle.

I am able to move into areas where I can find solutions and which are far-reaching and energizing to me.

I can address what is within my control.

My current efforts show up as effective and beneficial for those prepared to receive them.

I have moved myself into a new universe, where I am appriecated and loved.

Trying to solve a problem which was never mine in the first place proved futile.

Those who need to address it are free to do so.

I will no longer accept their blame for the work they failed to do.

And the impersonal disturbance?

We are all able to learn more about how to deal with each other when we are fair and compssionate toward each other.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage