As you discover your true nature and purpose, it is natural to express it.
Because this seems so challenging at times, it is necessary to cultivate your uplifting message.
It is also necessary to find ways to release and express it.
There are so many people who need to hear what you have learned through conquering your fears.
You may have to conquer one more fear and share your message.
In freeing your voice, remember the first moment of light and peace which you experienced.
Recount the situation you were in when you felt that first instant of hope.
Recall how frequent visits to that small spark of hope fed it into a small, flickering flame.
As you gained confidence in the fact that you are okay and have something to say in your own behalf, the flame grew brighter.
Step by tiny step, you were able to improve your situation.
You learned to listen inwardly instead of trusting the variable nature of things around you.
Your found your footing.
You began to build your foundation.
You discovered what you love to do.
You began sharing your happiness and your insights.
Your desire to help others in your same circumstances led you to find wider ways of sharing.
As that activity continues, you are freeing your voice.
Let everyone who can benefit have the opportunity to hear you.
Be generous; provide many outlets.
Continue to listen and to speak.
© 2019 Kathryn Hardage
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