Sunday, May 27, 2018

Loving Today

Good things are happening today.

Some of them are very obvious.

Some of them are under the surface.

We can listen for the happy things and feel them in our heart.

There are little things which we can do for each other that let us know how valued we are.

We can listen kindly and patiently.

We can perform little acts of service.

We can simply be there for each other.

We can inspire each other.

We can be excellent and wonderful friends.

We can see what needs doing and do it.

We can do something that we love.

We can do something special for ourselves.

We can be understanding and not rush.

We can plan and be patient.

We can enjoy each other’s company.

We can enjoy a good conversation.

We can express our life’s ideals and live with integrity.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Crossing the Chasm

As I learn new skills, I realize I am crossing a chasm, not only of knowledge, but of permission to practice them.

In a damaged emotional life, there are so many levels of experience which were never developed.

Those synapses simply don’t know how to fire until they are rebuilt.

The tiny steps that I list and eventually try are the threads that are rebuilding my life into wholeness.

I am learning the skills that I always wanted to know.

I am in a new environment which supports my practice.

I attract whole, healthy people.

I am able to interact with them as we enjoy sharing mutual interests.

We recognize and appreciate the work we do and the beautiful things we create.

We utilize our individual efforts in a group setting which is supportive.

All these activities and the spirit in which they are done increase my connections and help rebuild my life.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, May 21, 2018

Worried vs. Relieved

I realize that I have a habit of worry which was instilled very, very young.

I am now creating its antidote.

When I sense myself worrying, I find something I am relieved about.

For instance, I am relieved that I am living in a country where I can speak the language.

I am relieved that the area where I live is surrounded by small farms which raise organic food.

I am relieved that there is an excellent library system.

I am relieved there are so many sustainable skills to learn and people to teach them.

I am relieved I can find information I need on the internet.

I am relieved I can experiment with my garden and tiny food forest.

I am relieved that there are many small supportive communities connected with activities I enjoy.

I am relieved that my wardrobe is sufficient.

I am relieved that I have easy access to water for my garden.

I am relieved I can maintain a comfortable temperature around me.

I am relieved that I am respected for the things I can invent designs and patterns for.

I am relieved that I have found a place to live where I am comfortable and respected.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage