Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Confirmation by Community

Moving an idea into a different community changes the context completely.

When you are inspired to pursue a particular project or to create a particular product, it is important to realize that it has a particular audience.

The people who can most appreciate what you are doing are drawing you to make it or do it.

You are the go-between for the idea and its community.

You may try out your idea and discover that it is not received well or even noticed at all.

 However, you love the idea and trust the inspiration and guidance that helped you make it.

 The next step is to be open to where it will be best received and accepted and appreciated.

My situation was that I was running out of time.

I had lots of product, but couldn’t take it with me on a new travel adventure.

So I brought it to an unlikely setting along with the appropriate materials I needed to “destash”.

It turned out to be very well-received there, and much appreciated.

That alerted me to several elements I had been ignoring and not even allowing myself to consider.

I received confirmation by an unexpected community.

I now know to be alert to ideas which sometimes feel as though they do to fit into my overall plan.

They are part of the plan in a way I did not see.

The project and the community go together.

The product is appreciated and received very well by the community for which it is actually intended.

You and your idea will find a complete fit when you allow it to lead you to its community.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage


Wednesday, November 21, 2018

A Defined Space

I am in an infinite, defined space.

There is room for me and my ideas.

I am always at one with them in perfect expression.

They supply my needs in every case.

I am empowered by their presence.

I am surrounded in the comfort of knowing they are present.

I fully anticipate the wonderful ways they are expressed as I receive them.

I have a fulness which overflows as I listen within and take action.

I know I am where I need to be to take part in their expression.

The order which comes to me as I move forward is sufficient.

What needs to be released is released.

There is room for what needs to be included.

It is possible not to be overwhelmed as the changes transition into something new.

Back off from the stuff!

Let life progress.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

A Sense of Direction

Today, I am feeling a sense of direction becoming more present and active in my life.

As I have followed through on my ideas over the years, I have built up the ability to receive and act on ideas which I love.

These important ideas have blessed me in so many ways.

Gradually, I am feeling a sense of transformation taking place deep within.

As I have valued my ideas, so others are coming to value them, too.

It is a different kind of identity.

I have always valued the idea of individuality and have been empowered to receive and execute original ideas.

Now, my ideas are starting to connect with other people in a wider range.

I am so grateful for this new sense of direction, since it has grown out of the practice of acting on ideas which I love.

As I continue to listen and receive ideas, they are manifesting in new ways.

I am discovering new expressions of support in continuing companionship and in positive response to prototypes.

I am finding connection and support wherever I go.

I am able to expand my platform.

I am so grateful for this evidence of progress and outreach.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Quick Dealing

A painful memory from the past can be dealt with quickly when there is something wonderful to replace it.

I am so grateful for the steps which have carried me away from past locations so I could reset my mind and emotions.

I am surrounded with so much sincere friendship and enjoyment, that I was able to deal with the intrusion of a painful memory confidently and authoritatively.

I no longer have to appreciate objects for any reason which are attached to memories of shameful and disrupting behavior toward me.

I have new standards now that I realize the wonderful person I am, strong and resilient.

The old patterns of loss and betrayal are the not ones which run my life anymore.

I have been immersed in and surrounded by healthy attitudes of good and decent people for long enough for them to replace the old relationships.

Dealing so quickly with the negative issue allowed me to get back on course and to continue working on my project.

It did not shut me down for any noticeable length of time.

I am up and running and happy with myself and my life.

I am glad to separate myself from the old familiarity of abuse and its counterparts.

I no longer fear, and therefore no longer attract, negative attitudes nor conditions.

I live consciously in the higher life of which I am a part.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Create a Safe Space Within

When there is turmoil and a heavy emotional atmosphere around us, it is important to create a place of calm and safety within.

We can do this by listening quietly as we take our deep breaths.

From a place of calm, we can proceed about our day.

Each time a feeling of urgency or panic tries to interrupt us, we can return to our inner calm as we breathe deeply and slowly.

The enrichment for our day begins here.

As we enter into our peace and calm, we can be surrounded by the ideas we need to complete our project, our shopping list or our day.

We are enriched by ideas for the next step or simply a good route through the traffic.

Our safety depends on calm, alert thinking when we feel pressured or disturbed.

We can find safety as we immerse ourselves in inspired listening and as we take calm and effective action.

We can move ourselves to our mental safety and then to our physical safety whenever needed.

As we practice our response on the little things, it becomes a natural way to handle things when they escalate to a crisis.

By removing ourselves from irritation, taking our deep breaths, and acting from a calm frame, we build up a safe way to proceed.

As we habitually listen for inspiration in our daily lives how to be of service and how to be kind, we are connected with the calm and safe havens we need for ourselves.

We can live in safety whenever and wherever we are as we continually surround ourselves with the calm atmosphere which we choose for ourselves.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, November 4, 2018

What is Needed at the Time

For a long time, I needed comfort in the form of creative projects.

These combatted the feeling of being pushed into a straight line.

If I could create something, I had room to breathe.

Or course, I have ended up with many more materials than I could use to create projects.

I have also had the satisfaction of saturation with comfort.

I have joined many communities of creatives.

The warmth and acceptance on common ground has been consistent.

I feel completely comforted through my association.

Now, as I release so many of my materials and move into following another dream, I move with complete security.

My feelings and memories largely replace the dissociation of being forced into a straight line.

There is room for newness from the basis of a new foundation, a new way which I have had of experiencing the world.

I have the comfort of moving on and releasing many of the props which helped me in the past.

Aspects of moving on are difficult to deal with, but on the whole I am grateful.

I had what I needed at the time.

Now, it is a new time.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage