When there is turmoil and a heavy emotional atmosphere around us, it is important to create a place of calm and safety within.
We can do this by listening quietly as we take our deep breaths.
From a place of calm, we can proceed about our day.
Each time a feeling of urgency or panic tries to interrupt us, we can return to our inner calm as we breathe deeply and slowly.
The enrichment for our day begins here.
As we enter into our peace and calm, we can be surrounded by the ideas we need to complete our project, our shopping list or our day.
We are enriched by ideas for the next step or simply a good route through the traffic.
Our safety depends on calm, alert thinking when we feel pressured or disturbed.
We can find safety as we immerse ourselves in inspired listening and as we take calm and effective action.
We can move ourselves to our mental safety and then to our physical safety whenever needed.
As we practice our response on the little things, it becomes a natural way to handle things when they escalate to a crisis.
By removing ourselves from irritation, taking our deep breaths, and acting from a calm frame, we build up a safe way to proceed.
As we habitually listen for inspiration in our daily lives how to be of service and how to be kind, we are connected with the calm and safe havens we need for ourselves.
We can live in safety whenever and wherever we are as we continually surround ourselves with the calm atmosphere which we choose for ourselves.
© 2018 Kathryn Hardage
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