Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Confirmation by Community

Moving an idea into a different community changes the context completely.

When you are inspired to pursue a particular project or to create a particular product, it is important to realize that it has a particular audience.

The people who can most appreciate what you are doing are drawing you to make it or do it.

You are the go-between for the idea and its community.

You may try out your idea and discover that it is not received well or even noticed at all.

 However, you love the idea and trust the inspiration and guidance that helped you make it.

 The next step is to be open to where it will be best received and accepted and appreciated.

My situation was that I was running out of time.

I had lots of product, but couldn’t take it with me on a new travel adventure.

So I brought it to an unlikely setting along with the appropriate materials I needed to “destash”.

It turned out to be very well-received there, and much appreciated.

That alerted me to several elements I had been ignoring and not even allowing myself to consider.

I received confirmation by an unexpected community.

I now know to be alert to ideas which sometimes feel as though they do to fit into my overall plan.

They are part of the plan in a way I did not see.

The project and the community go together.

The product is appreciated and received very well by the community for which it is actually intended.

You and your idea will find a complete fit when you allow it to lead you to its community.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage


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