Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Restored Through Knowledge

Knowing what you have to forgive yourself for is a powerful healing agent.

Taking responsibility for what you failed to do is a firm foundational step.

Forgiving yourself for not being in a position to do what you wanted to do is fully compassionate.

Realizing that you can continue to grow in powerful and productive ways is the strengthening result.

I have finally come full circle through fretting about what I could not do.

I did not achieve my goal at the time because I had other healing work to do.

My healing work is starting to fill in some of the developmental gaps created in my life.

I am not responsible for the gaps, but I am responsible for filling them in.

I am empowered to take appropriate action and to get the help I need now that I am practicing forgiveness.

Compassion for myself is part of the process.

Each step which leads us toward healing is the most appropriate step for us.

Knowing what to do in the future is shaped by our forgiveness and compassion now.

Filling in the gaps takes place as we gain more knowledge and practice more compassion.

I can sense my direction better.

I am more aware of listening for direction.

I am consistently listening for the knowledge that I need.

Forgiveness and compassion are restoring me and giving me the direction I need to take.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Claiming My Rights

For many years, I have acquiesced to others direction.

I am finally learning to trust myself, my ideas and my intuition.

This is leading me to a completely different relationship with myself and the world around me.

By noticing what things mean to me, and realizing that my point of view is valid, I am reshaping my world and my life.

It is taking effort to build my new “muscles”, as it does with any new practice.

Because my inspiration is continuous, I receive encouragement from the Universe.

I feel an internal reliance growing for the first time.

I am able to remain resolved and follow through.

The constant shifting to avoid displeasing others has resulted in acute anxiety which I am able to address.

By following my own code, I am taking action which is in alignment with my deepest feelings.

That takes away the anxiety by giving me consistency.

I am not torn apart by trying to move two directions at once.

I am, at last, responding to my own needs in ways that make sense to me.

This is my right.

I have a valid point of view and I have decided to live in harmony with it.

My considered actions reflect that point of view.

With this strength, I am able to move forward in my own direction.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, January 21, 2019

When Amazing Things Come Together

Although I have a habitual practice of expecting good, I am amazed when things come together in such a way as to generate deep healing.

Even pain which has become such a familiar part of one’s life for decades can be suddenly addressed and healed.

I participated in such an event last night.

We were invited to a family gathering.

In the past, family gatherings had triggered so much current and past pain, they had become unbearable for me.

So I did the most compassionate self-care practice that I could.  

I withdrew for what became several peaceful years.

I was able to experience the first calm in my life during traditional holiday celebrations by simply maintaining my own quiet place.

I know there are many of you to whom this makes complete sense.

I was completely satisfied to continue this practice because of what it meant to me to be able to be peaceful.

It was the first time I found a way to remain in control of my life instead of experiencing violently disruptive feelings and panic attacks.

Through simple memory and later, therapy, I was able to discover why my disruption and panic were perfectly reasonable responses to holiday and family gatherings.

They were rooted in long-term childhood trauma, when I had no control over my environment or what went on in it.

Surprisingly, this time when we were invited to a birthday celebration, we accepted.

I prepared myself with what I need to handle panic attacks, my knitting and drawing supplies.

I know what to expect when I am around certain kinds of lighting, loud conversation and a confined space (which generates a feeling of not being able to escape).

I also know how I can deal with it, at least for a certain amount of time.

When I got to the gathering, I was surprised to be able to sit quietly and uneventfully for a period of time.

When I felt the panic begin to kick in, I took out my knitting.

People around me are used to me using various means to distract and calm myself.

I was able to stay calm and enjoy the dinner and participate in the conversation.

Whenever I felt my feelings escalating, I got my knitting out.  (I got quite a bit of knitting done.)

However, I also was able to remain for the entire time, even after some participants left.

I did hit my point of overwhelm, and was able to signal that I needed to leave immediately.

I was even able to be detained for photos, and continue my outward steps without any more symptoms.

I was impressed and amazed at being able to stay, and how comfortable I was visiting with my two daughters who were there, surrounded by the birthday girl’s in-laws and family.

The next day, I realized, by the lessening of other triggered physical symptoms, that I was experiencing deep healing.

To those of you who have been caught up in similar backgrounds, I offer encouragement.

There is a way to address your deep needs.

You are finding your way.

I am grateful if anything I have can help contribute to your deep healing as well.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Other Point of View

Although I may be aware of it, some else’s point of view does not touch me.

A person’s point of view affects their attitudes, opinions and courses of action.

Even if you are affected by some else’s behavior, it does not change who you are.

Your circumstances may be dictated by some else’s negative or cruel point of view, but your response is always your own.

As long as you see yourself separate from it, there is nothing it can do to change your character.

Your identity is formed by your own point of view.

You point of view informs you and dictates how you see the world.

You are able to contribute in an uplifting way to society and civilization.

No matter what is around you, your core identity will inform and strengthen you.

As you grow and gain in strength, your purpose will naturally push back against whatever circumstances surrounded you in the past.

You will continue to direct your own circumstances and surround yourself with congenial company.

Your increase will show you the power of self-image and will help you uplift others.

Your persistence in remaining true to your purpose and point of view will be felt by those around you.

You will be seen naturally as a person whose point of view matters.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, January 13, 2019

The Benefit of the Best

In order to lift up your concept of yourself, you have the opportunity to give yourself the benefit of the best.

The best thought about yourself.

The best item from a selection.

A class you have always desire to take.

An organic tomato.

You must accustom yourself to living in small ways which express the best thing you can do for yourself in that moment.

Add tiny steps and tiny items which express the best that you can possibly be or have.

You will feel your mind-set shift as you make these tiny steps habitual.

You will create more room for an improved concept of yourself.

You are engaged in self-concept building.

Give yourself the strength of self-appreciation.

Present yourself the gift of a small opportunity and then accept it.

Take the action.

Do the activity.

Give yourself the benefit of the best.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Your Favorite

What is your favorite quality about yourself?

Creativity, imagination, humor, intelligence, joy?

How can you cultivate it today?

I listen for my favorite ideas and qualities and explore how I can express them during the day.

This is how I create my day for myself.

This practice counteracts the many small dismissals which can build up throughout a day.

It has created a new habit of valuing myself.

I find that actively listing and reviewing my fine qualities is a strong antidote to past lack of appreciation.

It fills in the gaps where recognition of my place and value is required.

It gives me confidence and appreciation of my demonstrated ability.

I welcome the opportunity to take a good look at myself.

I see the excellent work and character I have cultivated.

I feel the value of discovering what I love to do and pursuing it to a level of proficiency.

I enjoy the higher ground I now stand on.

I feel privileged to be able to share my inspiration with so many others.

I am glad I am participating in a positive direction for my life and uplifting others.

I enjoy my higher quality of life now that I value myself so consistently.

I am grateful for my persistence in requiring more of myself.

I have set a goal and reached it, and now I know that I can continue setting goals which I will reach.

That is my new favorite thing about myself.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Freedom and Opportunities

I am free to pursue the many opportunities awaiting my discovery and attention.

My deep guidance is leading me to find local resources and to continue to do what I love.

Each day, there are openings for me to increase my service.

Every tiny step I take in this direction frees me and brings more opportunities to me.

As I remain constant to my meaningful purpose, the specific steps I need to take appear.

I feel the pull and the power of my constant course.

I am free to remain focused and undistracted.

Opportunities appear which I can complete.

I am able to refine my focus and to put myself back on course.

The clarity I am receiving allows me to finish projects and to enjoy a great variety of them.

What once held meaning for me fades in importance as a new, deeper priority appears.

There is a natural rhythm to this occurrence.

I feel less emotional involvement in old projects and directions.

I have a clean new prospect ahead of me, untouched by opinions including my own.

There is a streamlining in the way I am being prepared.

Much more freedom to just keep taking the next step.

Less pull from the past.

A very interesting moment.

Something very inviting is getting ready to emerge.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Treatment vs. Being

No matter how you are treated, do not lose sight of who you are.

The way you respond lets you live up to the benefits of maintaining a high character.

When I am tempted to feel bad because of how I have been treated, I remember the good things that I can access.

By going deep within, and opening my link to my Higher Power, I can continue to live my day in harmony with It.

My further activities reflect my attention to them, not to the circumstances around me.

I am able to take my next tiny step and to continue to feel good about my progress.

I am grateful to be in circumstances where I am facing only minute interruptions, not the longer, inescapable times of the past.

I can go into my mode of happiness and productivity.

Not much can make me abandon it, although I am on guard constantly.

I remember my goals, and the steps I have achieved.

I note that I am out from under the extra heavy depression of past holiday experiences.

I remember my dearest friends and how deeply I am committed to them.

I appreciate being able to attend new and interesting activities wherever I am.

I treat myself as a person who deserves to be involved in interesting and fulfilling activities.

I am committed to a practice of uplifting myself and others.

I will keep my calm and happiness through fulfilling my commitments.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage