Monday, February 26, 2018

Deep Comfort of Common Goals

There is a sense of deep comfort when working on common goals with like-minded people.

After a stimulating discussion and individual consideration of goals and skills, there is a sense of unity and trust as we share ideas.

Partnering and large discussion move the topic in consideration onto a larger scale than individual contemplation.

The feeling that everyone is moving into a new phase is energizing.

Focus and direction help make the process efficient.

As the workshop ideas percolate throughout the night in consciousness, they take radiant shape.

It is easy to outline appropriate substantial steps to take and to take them.

The focus allows an efficient use of resources at hand.

Focus also allows expansion and implementation of ideas already “on deck”.

A sense of ease and confidence pervades the day.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, February 19, 2018

The Heart and Happiness

The divine connection is through the heart.

It is very important to do heart-felt things.

That is the way to discover and support your spiritual individuality.

Notice what makes you happy and decide to create that for yourself.

You deserve a gift of happiness that only you can bring to yourself.

Figuring out how to redirect your life toward happiness builds your skills in creating delight for yourself.

This delight spills over and delights those around you.

They feel the happiness in your work.

You connect through your heart to the world of happiness. 

Happiness begins to define your divine life.

The more happiness you express, the more divinity you express.

Happiness is a divine right which can be expressed right now in your present state.

The more you cultivate happiness from within and express it, the more you cultivate your divinity.

At some point you not that your happiness is unstoppable, and so is your divinity.

Your heart connection is forever, always, and now.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Different Forms

Blessings come in different forms.

For me the most powerful ones are the steps I take to free myself from emotionally-imposed limitations.

The trauma left over from early childhood into my teen years leaves me with many hidden triggers.

For instance, when I want to try something new, I still sometimes feel my mother’s anger at my ability to find things to do which were out of her control.

I remind myself that these feelings are only a memory and that I have the right to do the things I want to.

I have been blessed lately with an approach by grace, by which I mean, an unexpected opportunity to follow through on something I want to do has effortlessly come into my life.

It may be a trip out to my land to pick up supplies, when I found my gate was locked by the landowner behind us.

I was able to drive to where I had phone service and ask for it to be taken care of right away.

I chose to be confident, as it was my right to have access to my land.

I was able to be polite, but strong, and the situation was taken care of graciously within the hour.

It may be a desire to try out a new cooking technique.

I was concerned about how to do it, and kept finding myself putting it off.

Finally, the thought came to me that it would be nice to have part of the leftovers for a dish I had just made.

Without thought, I got out what I needed and took the required steps.

As the process commenced, I realized I had been effortlessly, gracefully, provided with the opportunity to follow through on something new I desired to do.

I am so grateful for how our inner Guidance connects us to the Universe which blesses and frees us in so many ways.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

There Are Others

When you don’t fit in, there is still a place for you.

It may be a simple career adjustment or a more extreme move to another culture.

As you decide to celebrate who you are, you will be led to the place you need to be.

Your recognition and celebration of your talents may create even more friction where you are.

Your increasing commitment to yourself and your goals will remove you from your previous circumstances.

The important thing is to recognize that your talents are valuable, somewhere.

Continue to express them, and you will attract a new situation of appreciation.

If you present circumstances are not supportive, you will find others which are.

Trust, enjoy, create, imagine, move.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, February 4, 2018

All That I Have

What is it that I have?

What can I share?

How does it come to me?

How do I release it?

I have always looked at the idea of “all that I have” as being my furnishings, my stuff.

I am now taking another look in terms of the characteristics and spiritual qualities which I have.

I can share kindness, I can act with integrity, I can be unselfish, I can be uplifting.

It comes to me from within, as ideas and thoughts.

I release it through awareness and actions.

I release it through encouragement.

I release it through uplifting conversation.

All that I make and do reflects my new awareness.

I am thinking of the idea as “all” that I have, not “some” of what I have.

When I release “all”, I am releasing the infinite nature of the characteristics and spiritual qualities which I have.

When I release “some”, I am only contributing to the limited thought of what I have.

When I release “all”, the feeling around me is of inspiration and light-heartedness.

When I release “some”, the feeling around me is self-protection and drawing inward.

I can live my life in terms of the infinite through releasing the “all” of what I have.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage