Saturday, August 3, 2019

Create a New Place

If the old place does not fit, create a new one.

Your inner lstening creates space for Guidance.

As you follow your desires, they take you to a new place.

Your new place may appear dramatically or it may grow into your life gently.

All the work you have been doing to listen inwardly is guiding you to your new place.

Step by step you are getting there.

Your new foundation is laid with each step.

As you take in the new view, you are already preparing yourself.

Your new direction is being established.

Stepping out from the familiar places you in motion.

You have created room for new feelings and atmosphere around you.

You are replacing old habits with new experiences and feelings.

You are buiding a new relationship to the divine.

You are becoming aware of no limitations.

You are surpassing your old limits.

You are keeping your eye on your goal.

Even if you do not have a specific direction, your motivation is directing you safely.

You can tell the difference between what makes sense and what does not fit.

Your steps become surer and your goal becomes clear.

You have more room for joy and happiness.

You feel your new place approaching.

You follow the steps which come to you.

You are put in contact with the right resources at the right time.

You define yourself and your goal clearly.

You arrive at your new place.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

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