Friday, July 19, 2019

Crushing the Demons (and crowding them out!)

As I continue to heal, I can feel the difference between my own thoughts and the thoughts and actions which have been imposed on me.

I am creating more room for my own true identity and this is crowding out the feelings which have terrorized me for so long.

As I stand up to my abusive parents (in my mind, because they are long dead), I can feel the visceral challenge.

With trembling body, I go out the door to run my errands.

I brace myself for the inevitable physical disorganization, but it does not come.

A bully will always back down when faced with courage and integrity.

I am amazed when I return, that I was able to perform such a simple feat without backing down.

My heart rate is elevated, but I made it.

The next time is better.

I am finding my way back to competence and control of my body and of my life.

I am gaining the confidence which was hidden under the terror for so many years.

I am facing down my demons.

I begin to embody the hope that I will complete my many and delightful goals.

My self-criticism is ebbing away and instead I embrace self-compassion.

I trust myself.

I am able to follow through on what I desire to do.

I am able to do the little things.

I leave behind old associations and their negative effects.

I find new uplifting friends in new uplifting surroudnings.

I am able to sustain myself, physically, emotionally, financially.

My inner core of self-respect expands outward to all who meet me.

I love my new personhood and embrace it fully

I am no longer the terrorized littel girl of so any decades.

I, as a strong adult, have crushed the demons which caused so much despair and terror.

I live fully, confidently and happily.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

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