Thursday, August 1, 2013

Two Bios

Recently, the thought came to me to look up a former high school music colleague.

By all the usual measurable standards, she has had a very successful career.

In fact, her biography reads like a directory of good choices, recognition and fulfillment.

No one can tell what is going on in someone else’s life, of course.

As I tracked the record of my own life, I marveled at the differences between us.

Not in a jealous way, just as an observation.

The deep roots which were laid so early in my childhood and which had to be overcome, sent me through a completely different set of doors.

Everyone has their own path.

We all know that.

I am certainly grateful to be learning what I am learning and accomplishing what has been set out for me to do.

It was just a funny feeling, as though reading a biography which could have been my own.

I am so very blessed in my life today.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

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