When something becomes emotionally overwhelming, it is necessary to find a replacement.
Even though I cannot change the events, I can change my response.
Since many events are changing all the time, I find replacing them works when I find something that is unchanging.
The only relationship that I am aware of that is unchanging is my relationship to the Universe.
So when things are so disturbing, I go within order to listen for a message there.
The message is usually one of peace.
It comes as a peaceful feeling.
As I breathe deeply and simply experience this feeling, it expands.
I am able to calm myself.
Within this peaceful feeling, if I have anything on my mind, I can listen for ideas.
I will get a sense that I should do something, or more often, just wait.
When I come back to ask again, I will get whichever response is appropriate.
That is how I replace my upset feelings and even panic attacks.
I can replace them with powerful inward listening.
© 2017 Kathryn Hardage