I have noticed that when I make myself open to the Universe by quietly going “within” to my own thoughts, after a while, as I quiet my thoughts, I can hear the deep underlying connection and feel Its guidance.
I attended a workshop called “Rewriting Our Future - The Science of Heart-Connected Living” by Howard Martin, co-founder of HeartMath.
We learned about the research, both by the HeartMath folks and thousands of other organizations, which are showing the relation of the heart’s systems - neurological, bio-chemical, hormonal and electrical - to our mental, physical and emotional well-being.
We learned a technique for managing our “pitch” or reactions to events around us, including simply thinking about things which are disturbing or which are good in our lives.
As I understand it, the technique of managing our pitch is called moving from “incoherence to coherence”.
The HeartMath folks have devices for measuring this level of coherence or incoherence.
It was a fascinating workshop, with volunteers from our workshop group plus examples and studies including Random Number Generator computers.
I especially appreciated learning how we can all contribute more to the planet’s harmony by contributing to our own.
I love the idea of being able to move myself into “coherence”.
I also love the idea that the actions we originate and maintain have an effect.
As part of my music teaching of very young children, I opened with a step I called “taking three deep breaths”.
Our first breath was a breath of inspiration for ourselves, the second, a breath of inspiration for everyone we know, and the third, a breath of inspiration for everyone we don’t even know, all over the planet.
I find that this supports the idea that we can make ourselves aware of the rest of the world in an uplifting way.
I feel that we are linked by our desire to be uplifting influences and that we draw others of like-mind into our experience as we share our desires.
© 2014 Kathryn Hardage
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