I am here to support myself.
That is a new revelation.
Even though I have always held a job from being single and all through raising a large family.
What a different direction that sends me.
After all the teachings about supporting other people, family, children, husband, church, profession, it all boils down to our purpose for being here.
Is my purpose to be somewhere else for other people all the time?
Or is it to be here, where I am?
I am already here, so it seems this is a good place to start.
Am I fulfilling all the things that are possible for myself?
That are desirable?
And why does this question bring down such feelings of anger and accusations of selfishness?
The habits and expectations of society and civilization.
But how civilized is it to require women not to take care of and fulfill themselves?
That is one-half of the population.
This is why so much literature is now being devoted to that topic.
It is time to take a good look at that fallacy and to change it.
I feel as though I can’t even reach for my goals right now.
I am certainly going to change that.
Now that I am defining them clearly for myself, I can certainly take the steps to accomplish them.
It is easier than trying to figure out what everyone else needs and to fulfill that.
© 2013 Kathryn Hardage
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