Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Choose Your Own Guidance

What is within is more powerful than what is without.

We externalize what we see by default.

It is effect following upon effect.

When we start from within, and discover our deep nature, then that is what is externalized in our life.

Our deep true nature is what we create from.

It is the essence of our being.

Everything else is what has been enacted upon us.

When we guide that action by being true to our deepest nature, we create an entirely different kind of life for ourselves.

By being compassionate, we create compassion in others around us.

By being unselfish, we create unselfishness in others around us.

By being generous, we create generosity in others around us.

By being creative, we impel creativity in others around us.

We attract those who want to be associated with compassion, unselfishness, generosity and creativity.

When we create abundance, we attract others who also create abundance.

Never underestimate the effect of what you are sending out.

Look at what is coming into your life and you can decide whether it is the result of your own direction or being in association with others or being in default with world opinion.

World opinion, rather than being a default or unguided, is actually being guided.

You can step out of that default position, by looking deeply within and choosing your own guidance.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

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