Sunday, September 15, 2013

Back in Tune

I have out-of-town guests staying with me and we have gotten together with other folks for conversation.

It is wonderful to be able to enjoy good company.


I noticed that even as I went back to my wonderful work, work I have discovered that I love and that fulfills my deep sense of purpose, I was feeling out of tune with it.

I had several encounters with people who are successful in the traditional sense and who have no concept of my purpose and expression.

I sensed a distance between what I do and their approval.

That they have no knowledge of my search and my path and its results made no difference in the discomfort and wrongness of how I was feeling, even if it was only a mild case.

So I have been working with a sense of doubt and dismay and a bit of despair.

As I took a break, I picked up one of the inspirational books I have been reading lately, and right away with the first sentences I read, I was back in tune with who I am and what I do and why I do it.

I found out it is important to stay in touch with the support I need and which I have discovered works for me.

I have an important path.

It is important because I sought it out and it is the one I am on.

I have people who are waiting for what I have to offer.

How do I know that?

Because I am deeply inspired and moved to create it for them.

I know they are going to love it, that they, too, are being prepared to receive these gifts from the Universe.

First I am receiving, and then they are receiving.

We are each supporting one another in the way that the Universe has designed it.

I am back in tune with the flow and the glow of sharing the ideas the Universe sends to me.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

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