Monday, September 30, 2013

New Good Friends

It is always a delight to run into people during a workshop or other event where you feel you have the same goals.

That creates immediate new good friends for me.

Wherever we are, we are sending out signals about who we are.

When we cultivate our best selves, we will naturally be drawn toward others of like mind.  

They will be drawn toward us.

We can improve our lives a great deal by contemplating our best self.

Who is she?

Where is she most appreciated?

Where does she feel most able to serve in an uplifting way? 

When we go to the events which help us cultivate our best self, we will meet our new good friends.

We will see a connection that just feels good.

I look forward to more connecting and also to more connections.

I love feeling good in places where I fit in.

I love providing places for others to feel good and fit it, also.

It is so nice finding and interacting in a community of new good friends.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, September 27, 2013

Love and Recognition

If I do not deal in any of the mundane, but focus entirely on spiritual awareness, I will live my life differently and better.

I can listen and do the work that comes to me.


At the Universe’s direction alone.

Then, I a living my best and only life.

I am here to study spiritual works and to listen for direction and to follow it.

Everyone, everywhere has a relationship to the Universe.

As I am aware of mine, those receptive to their relationship with the Universe, feel it.

This awareness brings everything that is good for me and to me into my presence.  

It brings me into the presence of those who value me.

It does not matter who those are who do not value me.

I am in the presence exclusively of those who do value and recognize and love me.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Time for Going On

What I am feeling is a happy, gentle presence, a prince of a man.

He feels the same as when I saw him last night and the time before that and the time before that.

A warm acknowledgement, a personal sense of humor, a clear definition of what is good.

A timeless being, a wonderful, quiet person, always there.

When I tune into him, I feel a shining, a gathering of love.

He is being greeted.

He has left behind a legacy of kindness, of consideration.

Thanks you, oh thank you, for your presence here on earth for so long.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, September 23, 2013

No Harshness

I no longer accept harshness into my life.

Since it was the basis of so much of my early experience, I have had to learn  how to replace it.

Now that I know I am loved, cherished, and adored, I am seeing a different approach from within, and therefore all around me.

As I insisted that I must be loved, cherished and adored, I was led to the many wonderful inspired writers who have helped me rewrite and redirect my life.

I no longer accept harshness.

Instead, I have been led to understand why I am here and how to release my “hidden splendor”.

I am now led to frequent those places which are supportive and to seek out and attract those people who are appreciative of me.

What a different life.

Instead of fighting to “bloom where I am planted”, I have been able to find more fertile growing conditions.

I am led to those who are working in the same direction as I am, to be embraced by those on my path, to have a larger outreach with unlimited distribution, and to affect so many others to see that they, too, are loved, cherished and adored.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, September 21, 2013

My Most Valuable Thought

That I love me.

I adore me.

I cherish me.

I am the most valuable person for me to know.

I respect myself.

I love my ideas.

I know they are gifts from the Universe.

I know how blessed and privileged I am to receive them.

I know how blessed and privileged I am to share them.

I know that when I take them out and show them to people they, too, are blessed.

Loving me has taught me that I am valuable.

And then these ideas come to me to enjoy, appreciate and share.

Thank you, Universe.

Now, I know you love me and everyone else just as much.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Our House

I attended a meditation workshop and could not quiet my mind.

I was absorbed in the panic of getting my house ready to show to sell.

Finally, I insisted that my mind be quiet.

I was able to listen and feel the deep peace that pervaded the session.

Towards the end of the meditation, I realized that my panic had been replaced by a deep sense of appreciation for my house.

I realized that it was the manifestation of all the love and protection and enlightenment that had taken place within its walls.

I envisioned myself as I cleaned each part of it saying, “Thank you for your love.  Thank you for your protection. Thank you for your supply.”  I had even had my music studio there for years.

I know now, that as I empty the contents of my house into packing boxes, that I am really filling it with appreciation and acknowledgement of all the growth and spiritual development that has taken place.

Children have grown from elementary school and started their careers.  Thousands of music students have been given skills and inspiration and confidence.

Years and years of knowledge have been acquired and practiced within these walls.

New steps toward preserving and improving the environment have been implemented both within and all around it.

The yard blossoms with perennials and native plants with their varied and colorful seasons.  Birds and bees and butterflies populate it.

New air conditioning, fence, roof, painting children’s rooms as each a new generation of occupants replaced the previous ones.

The improvements within and without are all manifestations of trust in the permanence and presence of God’s care for us and for all the Universe.

Creative uses of all our resources, solving children’s school and social problems, years of coaching homework, creating our own materials and lesson plans for our teaching jobs, this house has nurtured and fulfilled so much for so many for years and years.

It is a profitable house.

It is a creative house.

It is a house of solutions.

It is a house of love.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Back in Tune

I have out-of-town guests staying with me and we have gotten together with other folks for conversation.

It is wonderful to be able to enjoy good company.


I noticed that even as I went back to my wonderful work, work I have discovered that I love and that fulfills my deep sense of purpose, I was feeling out of tune with it.

I had several encounters with people who are successful in the traditional sense and who have no concept of my purpose and expression.

I sensed a distance between what I do and their approval.

That they have no knowledge of my search and my path and its results made no difference in the discomfort and wrongness of how I was feeling, even if it was only a mild case.

So I have been working with a sense of doubt and dismay and a bit of despair.

As I took a break, I picked up one of the inspirational books I have been reading lately, and right away with the first sentences I read, I was back in tune with who I am and what I do and why I do it.

I found out it is important to stay in touch with the support I need and which I have discovered works for me.

I have an important path.

It is important because I sought it out and it is the one I am on.

I have people who are waiting for what I have to offer.

How do I know that?

Because I am deeply inspired and moved to create it for them.

I know they are going to love it, that they, too, are being prepared to receive these gifts from the Universe.

First I am receiving, and then they are receiving.

We are each supporting one another in the way that the Universe has designed it.

I am back in tune with the flow and the glow of sharing the ideas the Universe sends to me.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Creating From My Stash

My quilter friends all have stashes of fabric, but I am talking about creating from a different kind of stash.

For years and years, I kept spiral notebooks of ideas.

I taught preschoolers music from those original ideas for many years.

As I have been learning the computer, I have been translating those ideas into electronic form and posting them as ebooks at

So, today, as I began planning my day, I went to my list of Themes and chose the next four to become Music Books.

I love creating from my stash of ideas.

I receive new ones all the time now that I have learned how to tune into the Universe.

But, it is still fun to pull from the list and complete the ones that are next.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How I Know I Am Loved, Cherished and Adored

Whenever I get feelings that are negative, I can simply put those away and turn toward better feelings.

I know how to choose them for myself now, and I can do it every time.

That is how I know I am loved, cherished and adored.

Since I have learned how deeply imprinted early experiences can be, and I have learned how to consciously choose the direction I wish to go, I am living a much happier and fulfilling life.

I am not stuck with the early hidden impressions and the directions they took me.

I have new tools, techniques and skills which are moving me in the direction I wish to go.

I love doing my work.

I love the feelings of appreciation I am receiving.

I love the support I am feeling.

I am surrounded by those who love, cherish and adore me.

It all started within me.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I am having the most extraordinary experience.

As I develop my product line and its prototypes, I am envisioning a type of business organization.

It tends to go toward the cooperative or at least profit-sharing.

It is now incorporating job-training skills accompanied by listening to self-improvement CDs all day.

It is also requiring healthy nutrition practices while on the job, and training in how to incorporate them into a healthy life-style over all.

I was very inspired by the job training relationship I observed when I took a tour of the  Askinosie Chocolate Factory ( in Springfield, MO.  There is a homeless hotel down the street from the factory location.  The factory owner has a program for training and employing workers who need jobs.  This is only one of the many outreach programs instituted by the Askinosie Chocolate Factory.

In reading books like Natural Capitalism, ( ( which shows the long-term relationships built by socially and environmentally conscious business owners all over the world and how they are improving their surroundings, it redirects my thought to consider ways to build that into to my product line as well.

I am grateful for these and other books which show positive and sound business practices.  As these are read and practiced, they will permeate and uplift our expectations in businesses.

We can continue taking the steps we see, and listen for other steps to come into our experience.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, September 9, 2013

What Did I Do?

What did I do, what did I do, what did I do, to get treated so badly by other people?

That is a feeling from early childhood.

I give it the same answer I finally arrived at for myself on other issues.


I did nothing.

I was treated so badly because I did not know how to move out of the way of people who had not solved their problems.

I know how to move out of the way now.

I remember who I am.

I remember and celebrate the tremendous growth I have achieved.

If I am seen from a former viewpoint by someone else, I don’t have any control over that.

I will let the Universe take care of that issue in Its time.

It has taken care of me.

It will take care of anyone who is willing to receive Its guidance.

I am loved, cherished, adored.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

So Happy and Grateful

I am so happy and grateful to be walking along this path.

I have learned to ask and listen.

Sometimes I listen first, and then get my answer first.

I am revisiting an event from seven years ago.

I have come a long way.

I have new skills, plus experiences.

I know how to ask and how to listen...

Guidance and direction and everything else needed to bring it to pass are right here.

There is not one but not the others.

It is all a package deal.

The Universe does not play games nor tease.

The Universe speaks to our heart, our soul.

It expresses us completely.

As I prepare in this moment, so have I been preparing in all the other moments.

As I have been supplied generously in all the other moments, so am I supplied generously in this moment as well.

I anticipate, expect and receive all at once.

It is the nature of the Universe.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, September 2, 2013

So Loved

All the ways that the Universe is taking care of me shows that I am so loved.

All the people that support and encourage me are part of the Universe’s way of showing me that.

All the ideas that come to me to share are further evidence.

When I talk to people about my business goals and how I am accomplishing them, they are delighted.

My business goals and methods allow me to show respect for my clientele and expand their capacities.

Since they have unlimited potential, they are able to engage themselves and enjoy the process of discovery and education.

I love finding solutions that are workable and go further than I expect.

That is the nature of the gifts from the Universe.

When we look farther than our present circumstances and ask how we can give, the Universe floods in with ideas.

As we continue to listen and continue to act, our ability to give expands.

This is the Universe showing us how loved we are and helping us to show how loved everyone else is.

This is the business plan of the Universe, that we are all so loved.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, September 1, 2013


When I was preparing a meal, I had a light case of dread about how it would be received.

I realized that was a habit from the past where nothing I could do was considered good enough.

Since I had not known how to replace that feeling even though I knew how to do excellent work, and did it, I experienced many more years of instances where what I did was not well-received.

I caught the feeling this time though, and I was able to redirect myself.

I knew that the person I was preparing the meal for enjoyed my cooking and had consistently expressed support for me.

So now, one more old habit has been reversed and laid to rest.

It has no more relevance for me.

Even if it comes up again, I now have a new path for myself, where what I do is well-received consistently.

I don’t know if you can know how that feels, to add another habit of lightness and joy to your life.

But it feels good to me.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage