Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Continual Renaming

It is often necessary to reassert my identity.

Otherwise, I get renamed by popular culture.

As I affirm who I am and what I do, I am renaming myself according to my sense of deep purpose.

As I continue along my path, I release some of the things which used to be important to me.

I make room for things which are new.

I am ready to do different things or to do them in a new way.

My constant assessment of where I am allows me to get an accurate picture of my identity.

As long as I am on my own path, I know who I am.

When I experience any confusion, I know that I have deviated off my path.

I can always tell when I am aligned with my purpose and action.

Things move with a natural flow.

Resources come to me effortlessly.

I am able to take steps in an orderly way.

Continually renaming myself in accord with my purpose allows me to sort out what belongs in my day and what does not.

It defines the projects I am working on clearly.

Progress becomes evident.

I feel satisfied and fulfilled.

I feel my alignment between purpose and action.

I create a flow of happiness for myself when I rename myself correctly.

I love fulfilling my purpose and expressing my high ideals.

I am in a good place when I feel everything working together.

I love who I am and what I do.

My continual process of evaluation allows me to rename myself when neccesary to remain in alignment with my goals.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

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