Since we come from a compassionate Source, our natural state is compassion.
It is only when we begin to think of ourselves as separate, that we experience the fear of lack and therefore, competition and loneliness.
Otherwise, we are all equipped beautifully to live in harmony with each other, as Nature balances all of the natural world.
We are able to see when someone needs help and to offer it.
Someone is able to see our need to to fulfill it.
This happens all the time, but we don’t usually acknowledge it, because it seems so small and insignificant.
Yet, this is actually one of the most significant building blocks of society.
We naturally share, we naturally celebrate, we naturally experience the cycles and seasons and stages of life.
We are all connected to Nature, her cycles and her compassionate provision.
We have grown up in a culture which has moved us from children playing outside and running up and down the block where all the families know each other, to more and more separated existences.
However, we can still be compassionate to strangers.
I enjoy the occasions when a conversation develops between me someone I don’t even know.
I get to hear a different point of view, share stories about the topic under discussion and emerge with a slightly larger understanding of someone else’s world.
That is what builds compassion.
We are all living here, but the sun shines on each one of us at a slightly different angle and we receive a slightly different view of the same object.
We interpret the same experience differently in the light of our various life experiences.
So we can be more and more compassionate the more different points of view we see.
We are built for it.
And we are built to share and care.
© 2014 Kathryn Hardage