Friday, May 3, 2013

Growing and Blooming

It is Spring and I am watching many of the flowers in my garden bloom and release their seeds.

One plant which took three years to mature from seed released its first bloom with a struggle.  I saw it when only half of the surrounding enclosure was open and only half of the petals had sprung to their full length.  Later on, the whole bloom showed all of the petals.

I had never seen a bloom midway in the process of being released.

In thinking about other plants, I realized there are many different ways of releasing blooms and seeds.

With a gathering of four of our adult children coming up, I am reminded of how all of our children launched themselves.

Some entered the job market directly or through part-time jobs while living at home.  Some got college degrees and interviewed.  One was “persuaded” to leave home and then got a job and education.  A couple served in the military and used their benefits for education.

Each one connected with what was needed in order to grow and bloom.

From core “nutrients” and experiences, they all jumped in or transitioned into the next new phase of their lives.

I love seeing the variety of plants in my garden.

It is even more fascinating to see how all our adult children are growing and blooming.

2013 Kathryn Hardage

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