Monday, June 10, 2019

Growing into Leadership

I am growing into leadership as I develop the skills which I need in order to overcome trauma.

I am becoming very knowledgeable in the healing of trauma.

What is out of control is becoming controllable.

The triggering effects of intense emotion are being dissipated.

I am making room for happiness by expanding my capacity for it.

I am able to make progress on my own behalf.

I am able to direct and shape my own life.

I am able to do what I love and to follow my own priorities.

I am able to live in beautiful surroundings.

My life is becoming my own.

This is propelling me into leadership.

Others can experience what I am experiencing.

What I am doing, others can do.

I am sharing my steps of progress so that others may benefit from my experience and inspiration.

I am so grateful for the writers and workshops, counselors and friends who have given me the support, tools and techniqes to continue taking my next steps.

My leadershp is evolving through sharing my work.

People who read my blogs and take my Meditation Drawing courses and read and listen to my meditations will be uplifted.

Consistent practice will begin to rewrite their vocabulary to lay the foundation for a sound and inspired life.

My desire to help others is expanding my vocabulary for helping myself.

I can anticipate even more support as others receive the benefit of my work.

Their healing and appreciation will generate more happiness and others will seek me out as a result.

As I add to the harmony and balance of the world, others will add to my harmony and balance.

I will attract what I am sending out.

I will be a leader in increasing the well-being of those who join my community.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

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