Saturday, June 29, 2019

Radiant Presence

I know I am in the radiant presence of the divine whever I receive a wonderful idea for service.

The wonderful ideas allow me to express my love by making beautiful things.

When I make them, they are infused with inspiration, balance, harmony.

As I work, I am filled with upliftment and happiness.

My entire day becomes satisfying and delightful.

Everything I do serves my higher purpose.

I am led from step to step in a gentle flow.

All my needed resources become visible and are at hand.

The people who can most benefit from what I do appear at the right time and in the right place.

My continuous expression of the ideas which come to me through radiant presence guarantees my connection.

As I receive, so I attract.

As I travel, the conditions which are necessary for me to carry out my purpose also appear.

I meet new people who are already in position to feel my deep connection and to receive its benefits.

I enjoy the support of community with them.

We confirm each other’s deep spirituality.

A new level of sharing and release becomes possible.

I share what I see of divine awareness within them.

Our combined uplifting practice releases gentle power into the atmopshere around us.

Others are introduced to a combination of awareness.

We are not isolated in our perception.

All the steps we are taking individually are resulting in a larger connection and collective uplifitng power.

The benefits are enormous.

What were solely harmonously functioning bodies and businesses become harmoniously functioning communities.

Harmoniously functioning communities are inclusive of solutions for the well-being of everyone in them.

Generous solutions become the rule.

Lack disappears.

All experience raidant presence in the work they do.

It is the natural release of the uplifting power of service.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Creativity From Wholeness

I create from my wholeness.

Everything I do expresses itself in a harmonious flow from one step to the next.

As I receive ideas, resources appear.

As I accept the resources, their shape and definition appear.

As I create the form, its beauty  becomes evident.

The form attracts interested parties and the beautiful forms fulfill their purpose in their new settings.

I am connected from idea to production.

I am connected through release of the idea and am buoyed up by its reception.

The wholeness which comes into my life is uplifting and continuous.

I want for nothing.

My happiness spills over and uplifts my community.

I live in abundance surrounded by secure and happy people.

My life is full and whole.

I make important contributions which are recognized and acknolwedged.

My creativity flows unbounded.

It reaches those who can most benefit from it and they are uplifted and find their wholeness.

I have a secure and expanding interaction with my clientele.

As I do what I love, I attract a supportive following.

I am recognized in my own right.

I am secure in my identity, purpose, action and contribution.

I work gladly and cultivate my flow of inspiration along with new skills to share it.

I am grateful for all the steps which have brought me to my present expression.

I am most happy to share my work and to see its uplifting action in the community.

It is a wonderful feeling to experience the cumulative effects of so much development.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Filling In

When I asked myself, “What am I trying to connect to?”, the answer was “Myself”.

I am learning that all the years of surviving by fulfilling the requirements of others led me farther and farther way from myself.

My own path has yet to be defined.

As I explore what I need, I am discovering how to fill in the large gaps in my experience.

The tiny steps I am taking are the connectors to who I am.

They are connecting me to what I love to do.

As I explore, I am receiving support from many diverse communities.

As I take the risk of exposing my ideas to others, I am receiving thoughtful consideration from them.

The comments which I receive are heartfelt.

They are authentic.

They are sincere.

As I connect to myself, I am connecting to others in an uplifting way.

The gloom, depression, and anxiety of the past identifed me incorrectly.

They were the wasteland of my undeveloped selfhood.

They masked the true intent of my life.

All the years of wandering around in the gloom were never an indication of who I am.

I had to find the resources to emerge into the light and I have done so.

Everywhere I go, I am finding more light, more definition.

I am always welcome, always accepted.

It is a new and comforting world for me.

I am expanding effortlessly.

My steps touch on solid ground.

My uncertainty recedes and is replaced by confident connection.

I feel the inner direction to connection.

I see my connecton manifested in new and welcoming ways.

I can trust who I am and where I am.

I am loved, cherished, adored.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, June 16, 2019

A Sewing Meditation

Each stitch is a moment in conciousness. 

It shows a connection whch connects to the next stitch and the next.

The path of stitches creates a type of visual and practical organization.

The stitch-path may sew a hem or a seam.

The stitch-path may embroider a pattern.

The stitch-path may create a quilt.

Stitching creates a texture.

It is the decisions which we make on the fabric of our lives.

Different aspects of our life-path emerge.

Some are straight paths.

Other paths are more meandering.

We may follow one path for a while, then change to a parellel path, or go in another direction altogether.

As we become more aware of our life and the decisions we make, we become more observant.

We watch where our decisions take us.

Often, our decisions have unpredictable results.

We may have to backtrack or go the long way around to pick up the thread of our lives.

As we begin to listen more deeply to our intuition we find ourselves making decisions which are in alignment with our ideals.

As we move in the direction of our core values, we find greater success.

We are able to meet the challenges which occur on our path.

We find ourselves becoming more satisfied with the rewards and results of our decisions.

We may be able to add decorative stitches and embellish our life-path with more beauty and grace.

We may attract more compatible relationships with people who share our core value.

We find ourselves building a life which is satisfying.

Our life-path becomes more fulfilling.

We become happier and move oursleves into a life which we love.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Be a Vector for Light

As we receive light, we are impelled to release it to expand into the atmosphere around us.

Our abilbity to see and feel the good in the Universe requires us to express it.

Others who are waiting for some good news can catch a ray of light as we release it, and benefit from it.

They, too, are drawn to the light until they can feel and receive it for themselves.

Because so many are yearning and looking for the light, we who have been gifted to see it at this moment in time, have a responsibility to stay tuned into it.

We conciously cultuviate our relationship with the Universe in order to receive the light.

We maintain our awareness of infinite good and look for its expression through us in our daily lives.

As we continually uplfit our viewpoint of the world around us, we are contributing to more enlightened practices of oneness and community.

When we get overwhelmed, it is necessary to redirect our thought toward the uplifting feeling that everyone in the Universe is precious and valued.

As we feel this for ourselves, we can share it in our daily interactions.

The feeling of uplifting light comes to us in our quiet and deep listening.

In our release of our own and others opinions, we make room to receive ideas which lead to positive action.

We recognize the good in others and do not limit it in any way.

We accept all others as worthy of consideration and compassion.

We participate in activites which broaden communication and acceptance.

We do not try to keep all the light for ourselves because it is coming from an infinite Source.

This light is inteneded to expand into everyone’s life.

We are all intended to be full of light and to let it overflow and uplift our communities.

Our part is to be a consistent receiver of light and to let it permeate our own life.

Through our expression of light, we are calm and happy.

We are successful and satisfied.

We continually give back to our community until all are lifted into dignity and security.

We add to the balance in our communities through pouring in so much light that our community becomes known for its stability, safety and productivity.

When well-being for all is achieved, we know that we have been successful receivers and sharers of light, as we let it flow and overflow.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Letting Creativity Flow

The overarching divine presence harmonizes our daily life.

As we go within and discern the deep peace, we feel guided to listen and to take note.

In the quiet, we feel creative joy rise up and flow through us.

It explodes outward in ecstasy and we rush to keep up with it.

The forms change as we are drawn to different topics.

The topics may come from deep within and result in our daily observations.

The topics may have a quality of mysticism.

Their forms may be representational, or abstract, and may show up as painting, weaving, dancing.

Creativity flows in whatever form suits our nature the best.

Whenever we draw upon it, it is there, ready to inspire and move us.

Creativity begins with a thought, a feeling.

It persists until we sense it, and then, using us as its messenger, it flows outward.

I sense creativity as an active presence within me.

It impels me to express it.

It translates itself into my preferred forms.

It is how I express my individuality.

As I feel impelled to learn new skills, creativity expresses itself in new and diverse ways.

I find that the message of my individuality and perception adapts to different ways of expression.

I am always open to growth and expansion as my skills increase.

I can share my message in more distinct and defined ways.

I gain courage in sharing my message as my skills expand in new directions.

As I grow spiritually within, my message flows outward in increasingly creative ways.

I incorporate the joy of creativity in my message and it flows more feely.

Every step I take within is parallelled in creativity without.

I have discovered a constant flow by listening within.

I feel the presence of my Source and I am happy and satisfied and secure in it.

I know that the message of my creativity is being received.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, June 10, 2019

Growing into Leadership

I am growing into leadership as I develop the skills which I need in order to overcome trauma.

I am becoming very knowledgeable in the healing of trauma.

What is out of control is becoming controllable.

The triggering effects of intense emotion are being dissipated.

I am making room for happiness by expanding my capacity for it.

I am able to make progress on my own behalf.

I am able to direct and shape my own life.

I am able to do what I love and to follow my own priorities.

I am able to live in beautiful surroundings.

My life is becoming my own.

This is propelling me into leadership.

Others can experience what I am experiencing.

What I am doing, others can do.

I am sharing my steps of progress so that others may benefit from my experience and inspiration.

I am so grateful for the writers and workshops, counselors and friends who have given me the support, tools and techniqes to continue taking my next steps.

My leadershp is evolving through sharing my work.

People who read my blogs and take my Meditation Drawing courses and read and listen to my meditations will be uplifted.

Consistent practice will begin to rewrite their vocabulary to lay the foundation for a sound and inspired life.

My desire to help others is expanding my vocabulary for helping myself.

I can anticipate even more support as others receive the benefit of my work.

Their healing and appreciation will generate more happiness and others will seek me out as a result.

As I add to the harmony and balance of the world, others will add to my harmony and balance.

I will attract what I am sending out.

I will be a leader in increasing the well-being of those who join my community.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage