Wednesday, December 27, 2017

What My Happiness Depends On

My happiness depends on the images of thought which I cultivate daily and hourly and in every moment.

When I let my imagery fail, I fail to be happy.

It is worth the extra work of turning towards uplifting thoughts and internalizing them, and then letting them externalize in my life.

Despite the horrifying examples of public so-called leaders, (not someone to be following!), I have a higher image of what can be accomplished.

I have a higher image of the value of each one of us.

I have a higher image of the ways in which we can employ ourselves to continue to be uplifting forces in our own country.

I have a higher image of the beautiful and precious children in our country and of their unlimited potential.

Surely we can find ways of bringing out our own higher values and practice them despite the short-sited governmental policies.

Greed is not a force compared to kindness.

Selfish is not a force compared to generosity.

Policy is not a force compared to citizen’s healthy self-interest.

We can all live in such ways as to continue our own uplifting courses of action and be led from our higher nature.

This is what our happiness and well-being depend on.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, November 24, 2017

Stay in Your Zone

Do not let the holidays take you out of your zone.

You have created the best situation for yourself during the rest of the year.

Continue to stay in your optimum zone.

Recognize your origins but do not be overly loyal to them.

Part of what they gave you was what you needed to overcome in order to create harmony and order and prosperity for yourself.

Wherever you are supported you are safe.

Wherever you are attacked, you are not safe.

Stay where you are safe, in your zone.

Whatever contact you need to make with family, make sure you keep yourself safe.

If you have overwhelming negative memories, you do not need to spend much time at all with the people who created them.

You live with yourself first, so create the environment where you feel loved, cherished and adored, and don’t leave it if at all possible.

Always return as quickly as possible.

You need your mind and heart and soul to be happy to do your best work.

You are here to uplift and to be uplifted.

You do not have to waste your time recovering if you do not let down your guard over a false loyalty to family.

Stay loyal to your best sense of yourself.

Respect the effort it took to get yourself to this uplifted and safe state of mind.

Never leave it.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Courage Within and Without

Today, I took my courage in both hands and and addressed a weird situation that has been going on for some time.

As I have separated out the first and secondary issues in my life, a recurring one stood in stark contrast.

I was finally led to address it as a case of being hypnotized to react in a certain way.

I looked up ways to “de-hypnotize” myself and found that it has to do with practicing continuing mindfulness and awareness.

I addressed the first symptom and declared my right to behave in a normal way.

That worked for the first part of my activity.

Then I looked at my next symptom, and addressed it.

I spent the entire night each time I awoke making sure that I addressed the specific symptom and behavior.

The next day, I asked my husband to be with me while I performed the activity.

I got farther along with it, and then found myself reacting further.

So I took a break and addressed the third aspect of my reaction.

I was able to complete the activity.

I find this a very interesting case for myself.

I have been thinking about the other things I find myself reacting to, although in less extreme ways.

What are the ways in which we are hypnotized by society’s norms to think we can or cannot do certain things?

What are the ways in which we work against ourselves over political and economic issues?

The immense power of the media to do good or to create negative influence in our lives is a kind of hypnotism.

It is good to remain mindful and aware of this  power and to be careful we are thinking our own thoughts to the best benefit of ourselves and our communities.

I am so grateful for the teachers and counselors and workshop leaders and writers who keep sharing their knowledge to benefit all of us.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Joy of New Identity

As I continue to work through the layers of healing, I am so happy to notice the great distance between what I was raised to be and what I am establishing for myself.

My husband has begun hanging my quilts and small fabric art pieces on the walls of my studio.

I am so comforted to see evidence of what I love to do, what I have chosen for myself.

During this time of year, I am hit once again with painful memories, but I have learned what it is like to live as the person I love to be.

As I am pulling myself out of the habitual holiday downward spiral, I find myself surrounded with friends who like to do what I like, spinners, weavers, quilters, knitters.

We are sharing new skills and new accomplishments and appreciating one another’s efforts.

I am still establishing new habits of enjoyment for myself, but these can become more and more automatic the longer I do what I love.

It is a new kind of work, consciously establishing an identity for myself, one that I choose.

My new identity is not shaped by where I happened to be.

It is shaped by all the new activities I am doing, and the new people who surround me as we all do things we love.

It is a great atmosphere.

I am so very grateful I made the immense effort to reestablish myself in a beautiful part of the country, doing things I love.

© 2017 KathrynHardage

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Releasing the Panic

I am here, now.

I am feeling the sensations of a memory.

I can breathe deeply and slow down my thoughts.

What am I actually thinking?

I am in a safe place.

All is well.

I have control over the environments where I place myself.

I can tell the difference between a friend and an enemy.

I have good friends.

They have grown up through their many trials.

We are on the same page.

I can get help, any kind of help, when I need it.

I am in a good place.

I am calm.

I am safe.

I am happy.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Displacing Limitations

The negative thoughts and actions which were imposed on us can be overcome as we rise to the surface in our own value and estimation.

We displace these negative buoyancies with our absolute joy in choosing what we love to do.

The long-term effect cannot just be smushed down.

It has to be acknowledged and then displaced.

As I pay attention to where I am hurting, I have been led to uncover the deep trauma and expose it to the light for healing.

This has been lifting limitations which have been in place for decades.

I am finding my new, joyous self as I continue to pursue what I love and to integrate it into my daily life.

As I am led to take each next step, I am entering a new professional life.

I am finding respect and encouragement all along the way.

I am learning how to break down the limitations.

I am finding grace in each next breath and love in each tiny new step.

Surviving the trauma is being superseded by thriving in the direction of my choosing.

I have deep new devoted friendships and supporters.

I have new openings into a new professional life.

I feel stable and appreciate the control I am beginning to feel that I have her my life.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, October 13, 2017

Invest in Peace

Invest in your own peace.

You have an unlimited supply every time you draw on it.

Your mind does not want to live in chaos or fear.

You have a natural tendency toward peace.

You recognize peace as part of your divine nature and heritage.

Peace calls to you.

Your peace beckons you to a safe haven.

You always move in accord with your peace.

With your own peace, you can live undisturbed in the midst of what appears to be turmoil.

You identify with your peaceful, harmonious nature.

It provides for you in the most natural way.

Your life is complete in the peace you draw around you.

The are no breaks in the flow of your peace.

Your peace envelopes all those who come in contact with you, and uplifts and protects and calms them as well.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Doubt and Confusion

It never came from within you.

It was imprinted there by outside influences.

When you can separate your own thoughts from those emotions which imprinted you, you can find your own direction and guidance and peace.

I can recognize confusion by my inability to act or by my reluctance to make a decision.

The old habits of being held back and my opinions ignored are being broken.

When I take the time to notice what is happening and give myself the room to consider what I would really like, I am able to make a decision and to take effective action.

I, too, have been blessed with a wonderful mind and great coordination and organization.

These dormant abilities are coming into a safe environment, and I can now express them.

The very best thing is that as I have listened within to find the things I really love to do, I am finding the support to do them.

Resources are coming together in a definite and certain way.

My connections are smooth and coordinated.

Each step flows smoothly into the next one.

I am happy each day as I consider the next step and see how it flows so naturally and gently into the next one.

My purpose is clear, and it is a happy one.

The life shrouded by doubt and confusion was never mine.

The old imprinting is being replaced with the delightful life of my choice.

I am fulfilled and happy, as is my right.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, September 24, 2017

A Story That Works

One day as I was meditating, I realized that nothing I could do would change the story for someone else.

The story has to be changed by the person telling it.

If you are telling yourself a certain kind of story, your life will have a certain kind of path.

If you change the story, the path will change.

It is as simple as that.

Why you believe the story is not as simple.

But it can still be changed.

Decide on a direction you really want to go.

Don’t hold back.

Describe it in detail to yourself every time your think about it.

Think of all the reasons why you want it.

Embellish the picture.

Then when it is as full as you can make it, keep enjoying it.

When you hold to this consistent enjoyable  plan, you will start to see it take shape.

It is not something you do for yourself, although it is a gift you give yourself.

Keep doing your part and the Universe will do the rest.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Perfect Fulfillment

From angles to flow.

That is the image that comes to my mind.

Instead of bouncing off angles, I find a strong and gentle flow carrying and supporting me.

I am connected to the best alternatives.

I am held by consummate knowledge and practices.

I am supported with  confidence and encouragement by the right motivations.

These goals go beyond myself.

They reach out to all who are in need.

The answers are always through honesty and generosity.

Long-term problems can be solved by looking at the deep origins.

Workable solutions address the deep origins and adjust the outcome.

Long-held wrong beliefs are corrected and different uplifting action results .

Resources come in different ways when the actual problem is addressed.

Flows are created where sharply angled walls once stood.

The first walls which have to come down are the ones we believe.

Then good, equitable, fair, right action can take place.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

From Compassion to Wholeness

True government moves us from compassion to wholeness.

As a government what are the compassionate things we can do to enable others to move themselves to wholeness?

A government which respects and loves its people works best in this way.

What is the self-concept embedded in the governing philosophy?

How does that result in training and education?

How does that impact how people can take care of themselves?

In any family, the goal is to give, give, the child what it needs in order to become self-sufficient.

A self-concept which includes love and support, followed by  good manners, skills, and training.

Within the community, continuing respect for all the members helps identify what is needed to help the ones who are struggling the most to bring themselves up to a better standard.

This strengthens and uplifts the community.

Each expanded level of government can proceed in this way, so that we have a world built on compassion which moves everyone to wholeness.

Imagine what it would feel like to live in such a world.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage