Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Moving Slowly Indicates Trust

You do not have to rush to get to your destiny.

Going slowly, you are able to include more awareness.

You are able to look around and see, really see, what needs doing.

You are able to do it carefully and thoroughly and to make sure it has intended consequences.

By not being careless, you actually arrive at your goal in a more sure way.

You do not have to back up and correct mistakes if you take your time.

Of course, there could still be mistakes because you are in new territory.

So take your time to fix those, too, if you need to.

Your destiny has been aware of you, even before you were aware of it.

All the little things that come into your life unexpectedly are part of your destiny.

Do not be in such a rush that you overlook them.

You are meant to enjoy your life.

If you are not, listen within to find your true path.

It is something you desire.

You already love it even if you have not discovered it before.

When you find it, love every step.

Some steps will go by faster than others.

But that is not because you are in a rush.

That is just because you are ready.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

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