Tuesday, July 8, 2014

An Upper Room

Just as an “upper room” was provided for Jesus to celebrate the Passover with his disciples, everything we need to carry out our purpose in the world is also provided.

Once we listen within and discern our mission and purpose, we know that everything we need along the way will be provided.

When we can’t figure out the next step or how to accomplish a particular step, we need to go “within” to listen for it with even more dedication.

Then, the answer will be provided.

It may be right away, or it may take a while.

But everything is being prepared and provided for this deep mission to take form and transform us and whoever comes into contact with it for themselves.

Ideas, location, physical and financial resources are all part of the “upper room” provision.

Once we identify ourselves with the release of our gift, we are led to find “upper room” provision every time.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

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