Saturday, September 28, 2019

Oneness With Happiness

I feel so happy now that I am aligned with what I love to do and am doing it.

All the steps that I have taken have brought me to this point.

My philosophy and practice are unified.

I am expressing my skills and talents in ways which support my philosophy.

I am doing what I love to do in ways which help increase happiness for others.

I feel the unity of my purpose and action as never before.

I am releasing my inspiration in ways which benefit others.

I am drawing the resources for release, just as the resources were given to me to receive.

I am experiencing great satisfaction as I see these ideas expand into action and release.

I have overcome obstacles in unexpected ways.

Momentum has been provided from unanticipated sources.

Support is building for each phase as I am ready to move forward.

I am happy and unconcerned, feeling only the solid grounding for each step.

My ability to feel the solid grounding keeps me moving on my path.

I am building on happiness all the way.

The power of consistent happiness as I develop my ideas envelops all those who come in contact with the ideas.

The force of my expression of happiness embraces and uplifts all who participate.

All other expression is rolled back and only happiness remains.

The power of upliftment through happiness is demonstrated.

The attracting force of happiness draws all who can receive it into range.

Happiness expands into the community as I release my ideas and they are received.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, September 16, 2019

Trusting Myself

I am actually trusting and investing in myself.

I am not copying what the experts tell me to do, but I am finding my own way.

I suppose it is a normal resut for learning to listen within exclusively.

I suppose it is an anticipated result for committing myself to doing what I love to do.

Perhaps it is even a celebration of my recognition for my own authority.

From whatever viewpoint, I am investing all my effort in following the Guidance which comes to me.

I am in love with who I am and what I do.

I am worth my time and effort.

My commitment to excellence includes the value I bring to my own progress.

My inspired projects are where I choose to dedicate my time and resources.

I feel so wonderful giving myself permission to do them.

I am so happy I am exploring their possibilities.

I am so grateful to recieve the ideas and to give them expression.

Now, I will expand on their expression.

My ideas will be able to benefit so many more people.

They will find their way into the hands and lives of others to uplift and encourage and inspire them.

This is where I belong.

This is what I have been preparing for.

This is what my life and purpose are about.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Your True Tone

You have your own voice to speak your truth.

This is your true tone.

Although you can repeat what others say, it is not your true tone.

As you listen within, you can hear your own voice and your own message.

Your true tone defines who you are and how you express yourself.

It expresses your interests and how you feel about things.

You are entitled to know how you feel and to express it.

Your true tone guides you to a match with the things you love to do.

It guides you to the people who recognize and appreciate what you do.

As you express your true tone, it draws those to you whom you can best serve.

Your true tone sounds and reverberates with a call to those listeners who can most benefit.

Wherever you are, you can find those who are in harmony with you.

They will appear whenever you have something to say which is of value to them.

The ideas which come to you have a purpose and as you express your true tone, you are fulfilling that purpose.

Your work is in service to a greater Cause which guides you and protects you.

Your true tone blends with others who are called by the same Cause.

The harmony of your tone blends with the true tones of all those throughout the earth who have discerned their purpose.

Everyone expressing their purpose creates a harmonious world.

Needs are seen and filled in a harmonious flow.

All are lifted up as they express their true tone in service to others.

Those who receive service are able to progress and to serve others.

As each one appears and voices their true tone, they are led where they are most needed.

Each of us grows in a positive direction through expressing our true tone.

We draw the resources we need and we perfect our message.

As we discern the Cause which supports and protects us, we enable others to hear their true tone and Cause.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Speaking Up

Loving ourselves enough to speak up and give our opinion or to ask for an adjustment may require great courage.

We may have had negative experiences which disempowered us in the past and we have to relearn our rights.

As we gain confidence in being who we are meant to be, we learn to accompany ourselves with our rightful power.

We learn to speak up for our needs.

I am amazed, once again, at my habit of letting many of the little injustices that happen to me continue without saying anything.

It is taking a conscious intentional act for me to speak up to correct them.

I am learning to do this with some effort.

When I do, people are willing to take care of me.

It is natural for them to do so.

No one acts as though it is an imposition, simply a lack of awareness whch they are totally willing to correct.

I am grateful to discover this.

It is a simple way to empower myself once again.

As I speak up, I am using my voice to express my rightful needs.

I am able to take up the space in the world which has been provided for me.

I am intended to express the ideas whch are part of who I am.

My ideas are important enough to express.

What I know and what I feel are significant.

What I have to say is of value.

Speaking up allows everyone to make adjustments to everyone else.

We are able to interact with more awareness, kindness and compassion.

There is a place for each one of us.

Speaking up allows us to take our rightful place.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Helping Hands

This morning when I woke up, I had the most wonderful feeling of helping hands leading me forward.

I had a sense of them reaching down to pull me up.

I have felt like I was battling to keep my head above water for so long that this was an amazing change.

The feeling of help being within reach, and even reaching for me is so novel, that I have been secretly revisiting that scene.

As I progress through the next several days, I am challenging the deep negative feelings from my early life.

I am able to access different feelings around me now.

I have been devoting myself to doing what I love and it is placing me within reach of those who share my love.

Whenever we express what we love, it attracts those of like-mind.

We encourage one another, share ideas, and lift each other higher in becoming excellent.

We extend those helping hands I mentioned.

Basing myself where I can be of help, I am receiving help.

This help is expanding into new areas where I can utlize my gifts for others.

The sense of helping hands is freeing me from a feeling of isolation.

I see that by connecting myself to what I love I am placing myself within reach of the help I seek.

The helping hands are with me whenever I take my next step toward freedom.

They beckon me on and are a promise of uplifting surroundings.

Helping hands let me know that I am moving in the right direction, since they come to me through doing what I love.

I know that what attracts me is the joy and happiness of creativity.

I love sharing that joy and happiness with others.

Together we are the helping hands which reach out to others.

As they do what they love, they, too, find their way to freedom.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, September 6, 2019

Creativity Always Directs

I love moving into creativity.

There are so many fun ways to play!

My favorite passion is fabric.

I learned how to make quilts and have never looked back.

I began making journal covers to feel productive with smaller projects.

I am taking very beginning steps exploring creative art with watercolor and markers.

All of these processes let me move into a freeing dimension.

It is fun to play with color and texture, shape and design.

I feel a creative flow of happiness, of joy and ecstasy when I am in that realm.

My greatest love is for sharing my creativity and seeing others come alive as they become involved in their own creative projects.

Creativity releases fear, accesses the imagination and allows play right where we are.

We are able to operate without limitations as we delve into our creativity.

Our involvment in creativity often opens the way to receive inspiration and help.

We extend our own helping hands as we open to the creativity in our own heart.

We are uplifted, and we uplift others.

I am a postive uplifting force through creativity.

I attract those who are willing to learn how to uplift themselves through creativity.

In creativity, I am always directed through joy and happiness.

It is a rush, a flow, a delight.

Creativity runs counter to despair and lets us look at things in a new light.

When we are willing to uplift and be uplifted, creativity flows into us.

 It flows through us in ways where it can be received by those who can most benefit.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage 

Getting in Touch

I am meeting myself for the first time.

In so many ways, I am just getting in touch with who I am along with my right to exist.

I am discovering a new way to live after carrying around “hidden drivers” from an abused childhood.

In little ways, I am standing up for myself.

Although I did not know it, by taking up the space I am entitled to, I am just beginning to live without fear.

It has been my choice all along, but, first, I had to know I was safe.

I no longer attract bullies.

I am appreciated and respected in new settings of my choice.

The places and people I enjoy and appreciate find my company charming and desirable.

We find common ground in the things we love to do.

Gradually, my feeling of safety is expanding.

I am able to go places and do things which were out of my range before.

I am able to find the things which nurture and interest and excite me.

I am able to participate without fear.

I am welcome.

I am living in a new world where being in touch with what I love allows me to live more completely.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Leap When You Are Able

As bad as it is, until you are sure that you can get completely out of range, you may be protecting yourself.

As you listen within and build up your resources, you will know when it is time.

Your greatest safety may be in enduring for a while, even a great while, longer.

You do not want to have to return.

Build your skills, your excellence, your intelligence.

Notice the difference between truth and the lies.

Find creativity in your isolation.

Discover the pleasure of your own superb company.

Build an outside world and an inside world.

Participate in acceptable ways.

Stay alive.

Avoid punishment where possible.

Collect and select knowledge.

Try out what you can.

Learn from your experiments.

When it is time and you have your resources, leap and never come back.

You are sure of your reasons and your experiences.

Your inner knowing will release what you need in order to continue from your new perspective.

Never doubt that you did all you could and that you owe no one anything whatsoever.

You are your own amazing self.

Stand on that and live your own wonderful life.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage