Friday, February 22, 2019

The Progress You Don't Think You Are Making

Even though it looks like you are still stuck and not making progress, apparently, you are.

I found myself going round and round because I could not get the tech link to work for me.

And, even with multiple emails back and forth and resetting the password, and all the steps, it turns out, I actually never did.

However, the threatened meltdowns never happened, over and over again.

Even though I am dealing with the information transfer in another way, it is OK.

My progress is not technological, but it is emotional progress.

And I am happy with that.

My uncertainty with how to deal with the updates in technology happens every year.

And every year, I find some way to handle getting the data where it needs to be.

The actual progress is the lowering of my anxiety level.

That is really strong progress.

The work I have been doing on remaining and regaining my sense of calm, is absolutely working.

It is even leaking out around me.

I was able to get help with some of the data analysis from the other party for the first time.

There were no meltdowns on the part of anyone.

There was attention and support every step of the way.

Tackling certain required yearly chores is becoming more possible with less disturbance.

The healing and progress is taking form in noticeable ways despite the tangled technologies.

It is just happening on a different front.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, February 21, 2019

I Learned, Anyway

I was taught not to know things and derailed consistently enough to develop serious self-doubt, but I have learned to trust myself anyway.

I have fumbled my way up through the numbing filters until I could face the pain of the past and take my first tiny step to freedom.

I still take it step by step, but since I know what I am dealing with, it is now a case of building the strength every time I discover another awareness I missed out on.

No matter that it is unfair, I now know what it takes to deal with it, so I will do the work and I will accomplish my goals.

This is the greatest freedom for me, knowing what it is that I have to deal with.

After facing the fact of my intentional derailment by sick people,  I can work my way up through the numbness and find out what is actually going on.

I can look around me and discover what it is I missed out on.

I can take the steps I need to remedy my situation.

I can build up the strength to become proficient in skills which I am building for the first time.

I can become successful.

The first thing I am feeling as I work through the numbness is relief and then, compassion, for myself.

I do have the ability to relate to people once I push the cruel messages I was fed out of the way.

I do have the ability to be valued once I move out of the habits of influence of the cruel and powerful people of my childhood.

I do have the ability to become proficient in skills which I value instead of the ones I was forced to learn.

I have discovered a self-identity which I really, really love.

Despite horrible circumstances and emotional handicaps, I am making my way towards my own important goals.

I know others have faced worse, and I appreciate their astounding success stories.

I am grateful for every person, every writer, every workshop, every affirmation which has helped me take more and more tiny steps.

I hope to add to them to inspire someone else.

That is what I have learned anyway.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Surrounded by Calm

I am creating calmness for myself wherever I go.

I have experienced the calm of sitting in an off-grid cabin and looking at Nature.

I have experienced the calm of living in a small town.

I have experienced the calm of reading a good book in the middle of a large city.

Each of these experiences allows me to feel calm.

I have created a “meditation drawing” practice which I can carry anywhere to create calm for myself. (

I now have a baseline of calm within and the techniques and tools to bring it back to me when I need it.

I am so grateful to have established this baseline from which to work.

I can measure other events against it.

How much excitement do I want?

Is it constructive excitement or worrying excitement?

I can live with the calmness which I prefer.

I always have access to the ideas which are important to me.

I share them through drawing on my calm within.

My life evolves through the calm which I create for myself.

I am able to learn new things through being calm.

I eliminate confusion and frustration through being calm.

I can reach out and take the tiny steps to reach my goals through being calm.

I am amazed and grateful to have redirected my life so that calmness is apparent.

I am able to life a life through which I receive inspiration and uplift others.

That is the strength of the calm I have learned to include within and without.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

I Didn't Know There Was a Way for Me

For many years, I had experienced so much futility, I didn’t know there was a way for me to break it.

However, there was always a hidden spark waiting to be fanned into visibility and action.

When I could, I took hold of the light from the spark, and over time, it became a way out for me.

I have discovered a new way to approach life, and more and more tools and techniques come to my aid.

I am able to forgive, and to use that for a reference point for moving on.

I keep discovering new routes to move forward as I head towards my goals.

Each goal leads to the next one, so I know I am making progress.

Instead of letting the rage and its reminder of helplessness and exploitation arise, I move myself into calm waters, where I can appreciate how far I have come.

I love, cherish, and adore myself, and I appreciate the new projects I am working on.

I am glad that other people love them, too.

I am grateful for the sincere friendship and support I receive, and for the unselfish and generous attitudes around me.

I am grateful I have learned how to counter the habitual escalation of fear and to replace it with the comfort of where I am now.

The way I am finding for myself is good and sure and is composed of many tiny steps which are moving toward my goals.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Out of the Labyrinth

The human mind is designed to solve puzzles.

I have found myself very resentful of my circumstances from time to time until I realized that I could find my way out of them.

It has not been a fast process, but I have been grateful for every step.

Each time I can take a step, I realize the power of it and I can take the next step.

I can see that I have taken a significant number of steps now because I am living an entirely different life.

I still have so many questions about how to take steps, as as they keep showing up, I take them.

I know that my life has changed from despair and depression into trust and confidence.

I have discovered that my desire to serve has allowed me to create beautiful and needed things.

I have a sense of where I am headed, but mostly I am continuously grateful for the feeling of being guided to take the next step over and over again.

The labyrinth is just one more kind of puzzle, and I can see ahead only as far as I need to for the next step.

The desire to serve goes beyond what I thought I could do for myself.

I am thinking in a way which puts me in touch with what I need in order to proceed in a more generous way.

I am seeing that what is good for me is possible for others.

We can all find our way once we figure out how to tune into the deep thoughts within.

Our way is individual but it acts as a force for the collective consciousness.

What is possible for one becomes possible for all.

This is the puzzle we are helping to solve as we each find our way into better circumstances through service.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage