Friday, June 23, 2017

Overturning Depression

Every little bit of individual value you build into your life is permanent.

It raises you a little higher than you were before.

Even if it feels like you are not making progress or your progress is extremely slow, you are building a new permanent foundation. 

This foundation completely counteracts the elements of abuse which have permeated your emotional life.

As you build in more and more of your own individual values and refer to them in your moment to moment practice, you will ultimately replace all the negative imprinting.

At some point, there will be a tipping point and you will refer to your individual values more and more consistently, until it is almost automatic.

Your continuous conscious acts of referencing your individual values will increase your positive  evaluation of yourself until there is a continuous flow.

Your old habits of depression will be overturned.

No matter the cause, its intensity, its duration, you will have rebuilt your mind and your emotions until you can live the life you desire.

You will increase your efficiency until you are living the life which you value without internal opposition and argument.

You will have a natural flow of the life you enjoy.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

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