Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Honesty Within

It is so ingrained in some of us to please others before we please ourselves.

It is important to be honest about what we need and to meet those needs first.

Otherwise, we are giving without adequate resources to share.

We are to give from our own overrunning “cup”.

We are to fill ourselves up with so much happiness that it “runneth over”.

We are to make sure we are secure so that we are in a sure and certain position.

We start with being honest with ourselves and providing for our needs.

Then, with our secure resources, which are enough to meet our needs, we begin helping others to meet their own needs.

Each time we do this, we help lift up the community in an honest and consistent manner.

Everyone is freer to contribute to the community once their needs are provided.

They can help provide their own needs and then share that knowledge.

A secure community which is meeting the needs of all its members has room for more because there is no lack in it.

It can expand its outreach and include more and more people in its wealth.

As the community shares its knowledge and resources more wealth is created.

Some of that wealth is freed up time, with room for study, arts and improvement.

Some of that wealth is increased health, perhaps through community gardens growing organically.

Some of that wealth is increased companionship, so that no one is isolated or alone, or lonely.

Starting with honesty within and providing for our own needs allows us to expand in a generous way to our community.

 © 2017 Kathryn Hardage

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