Friday, June 30, 2017

Move into Your Beauty

When are you going to move into your beauty?

When you value who you are, you move into your beauty.

Your beauty comes from within and is expressed as character.

Your integrity and your honesty give balanced form to your life.

Your inspiration gives expression to your soul.

These combine to form beautiful things.

They give you a beautiful life.

They make you beautiful.

When you do what you love and put yourself in a position to give and share what you have done, you move into your beauty.

Everything around you contributes to and reflects back your beauty.

Your community appreciates you.

You help lift each other up.

The knowledge, skills, and organization that you need show up as you express your beauty.

It is a natural part of you life and gives you a comfortable and happy living.

You bless others with what you create.

They bless you by appreciating and supporting you.

When you release your beauty, you live in a community of appreciation.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Being Heard

The first time I had the experience of being heard, I realized for the first time that I had a voice.

Although the ten-week women’s group helped, it was not long enough to address my deeper needs.

As my life continued to break down, I finally found a new resource for being heard on a continuing basis.

Now that I am getting the help I need, with skillful guidance in a safe environment, I have been able to discover just how bad things were for me.  

Until reaching this point, nothing worked on a lasting basis.

There was still more damage to acknowledge.

Now I am able to start  building an entirely new foundation for myself.

It is based on deep self-respect, compassion, and gentleness, all things that were lacking due to the nature of my situation.

This is the most incredible thing for me.

The deep patterns of being torn down are finally being replaced with security and confidence in the direction I have always wanted to go.

I am very gently discovering how resources that I need can appear with this opening.

Every single type of resource, no matter how distant or foreign to my previous training or existence is becoming available.

Now that I am able to acknowledge my goals in a spirit and conviction of validity, I am manifesting what I need, exactly as I discover it.

The self-improvement and prosperity workshops are kicking in, now that I have a platform on which to build.

I am so grateful for the amazing people who devote themselves to helping people who need it, to be heard.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


Many references to recognition refer to outward rewards as a motivational boost.

Recognition from within is the more important kind.

This recognition establishes your identity and allows you to  live with purpose.

Being manipulated by outward recognition does not address the motivation from within that defines you.

The noise of outer rewards can be distracting.

You can feel the difference when your inner needs are not being met.

As you recognize your inner needs, you can become attuned to serve them.

Your deep inner nature is there to guide you.

You have a deeper purpose for living.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Care-Giving / Giving Care

Who do you love most?

Who do you care for?

How are you taking care of her?

Of him?

Are you caring for yourself?

You are important.

It is important that you notice what you need and that you make sure you give it to yourself.

Do not neglect your own needs.

Do not neglect your own desires.

You have a unique and delightful individuality and you are the person best prepared to express it.

Nurture yourself.

Make sure you have what you need in order to be free to share your gifts.

Be caring of yourself and make sure you are considerate in the ways you take care of yourself.

Consider what you have to offer the world.

Make sure you can offer it in the best of circumstances as well as the ones that have been challenging.

It is OK to live well, very well.

Do it a way that shows how much you love and care for yourself.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, June 26, 2017

Getting My Things Done

All my life, I carried out other’s plans for me.

Now that I am carrying out my own plans, I find I have to connect every thread that I was not able to connect before.

Part of it is the matter of learning new skills, which I am doing.

Part of it is overcoming the fear of doing what I want.

I am learning that I now have the strength to move myself in the direction I choose.

I no longer have to survive; I can thrive.

Even though it produces terror that I am going against the old powers in my childhood, I am persisting.

As I connect the threads to what I desire to do, I can feel an inner foundation which has been buried under the terror.

The foundation to do what I choose and what is important to me is being built as I nurture it and take the steps one-at-a-time in my new direction.

I am grateful for the grounding techniques I am learning when the panic attacks are overwhelming.

I am grateful for the progress I can see as I learn my new skills and produce beautiful things.

I am grateful for the lessening of the panic attacks as I do what I want and need to do repeatedly.

I am grateful for the beginning feelings of confidence and self-respect for moving in the direction I want to go.

I am grateful for not feeling helpless.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Love Your Gifts

Be sure of your gifts and then share them.

When you love something so much and feel that is is what you want to do, it is time to move toward it.

Your gift is something which you are impelled to utilize and to share.

It is something which rises from within and spills out of you in the most appropriate way.

It satisfies you in its expression and reaches those most prepared to benefit from it.

It is always a two-way street.

What you most desire to express is what your clients most desire to receive.

That is why it is a gift.

It is precious, special, meets the need, lifts up the receiver.

It is discovered by grace, not by pushing, although there may be a struggle to focus at first.

Once it becomes clear, each step is pointed out at the right time.

A gift compels you to share it.

It wants to be expressed and you are the messenger.

It comes from within and is a blessing which everyone wants to receive.

As it passes through you, it uplifts and expands your being.

Listen within and receive your gift.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, June 23, 2017

Overturning Depression

Every little bit of individual value you build into your life is permanent.

It raises you a little higher than you were before.

Even if it feels like you are not making progress or your progress is extremely slow, you are building a new permanent foundation. 

This foundation completely counteracts the elements of abuse which have permeated your emotional life.

As you build in more and more of your own individual values and refer to them in your moment to moment practice, you will ultimately replace all the negative imprinting.

At some point, there will be a tipping point and you will refer to your individual values more and more consistently, until it is almost automatic.

Your continuous conscious acts of referencing your individual values will increase your positive  evaluation of yourself until there is a continuous flow.

Your old habits of depression will be overturned.

No matter the cause, its intensity, its duration, you will have rebuilt your mind and your emotions until you can live the life you desire.

You will increase your efficiency until you are living the life which you value without internal opposition and argument.

You will have a natural flow of the life you enjoy.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, June 19, 2017

Simple Ideas

Deep peace provides the moments when we can receive the ideas we need.

While we are involved with our day-to-day activities, we can let our inner mind work on solutions and inspiration.

Then, when we sit down quietly, we can hear the results.

Sometimes, the ideas are so very simple.

They may involve taking only one tiny step.

A simple idea may be a new ingredient for a recipe.

It may be a way to take the next step on a project which has gotten stuck.

It may be a reminder to follow through on a previous connection.

It comes when we are ready to receive it.

It comes because we have asked and have become patient.

It provides room for complete development of the idea.

It gives assurance that the idea will be completed.

Deep peace infuses us with the love to nurture the idea until it is ready to be presented.

It lets us go about our daily business while more is being revealed inwardly.

It lets us be so calm that we can be open to receive the simple ideas.

Then we can enjoy the gentle strength provided by all the ways the idea comes together.

We feel the oneness of the completed idea, and delight as the it emerges, in its simplicity and completeness.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Honesty Within

It is so ingrained in some of us to please others before we please ourselves.

It is important to be honest about what we need and to meet those needs first.

Otherwise, we are giving without adequate resources to share.

We are to give from our own overrunning “cup”.

We are to fill ourselves up with so much happiness that it “runneth over”.

We are to make sure we are secure so that we are in a sure and certain position.

We start with being honest with ourselves and providing for our needs.

Then, with our secure resources, which are enough to meet our needs, we begin helping others to meet their own needs.

Each time we do this, we help lift up the community in an honest and consistent manner.

Everyone is freer to contribute to the community once their needs are provided.

They can help provide their own needs and then share that knowledge.

A secure community which is meeting the needs of all its members has room for more because there is no lack in it.

It can expand its outreach and include more and more people in its wealth.

As the community shares its knowledge and resources more wealth is created.

Some of that wealth is freed up time, with room for study, arts and improvement.

Some of that wealth is increased health, perhaps through community gardens growing organically.

Some of that wealth is increased companionship, so that no one is isolated or alone, or lonely.

Starting with honesty within and providing for our own needs allows us to expand in a generous way to our community.

 © 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Momentary Distraction

I can proceed on my path even with temporary, momentary distraction.

No matter what shape or form or intensity it takes, it does not interfere with my constant and absolute goal.

I can keep moving myself toward it and accomplish what I need and want to accomplish.

This is my right.

I have the right to my own mentality and emotion and body.

All the resources which I need, I deserve and I have them.

They are near at hand.

They are mine to use and to profit and to prosper from.

Old implanted depredations of habit are not mine, and I am making less and less room for them as I fill myself up with new habits and successes.

Each day, I take the next tiny step.

I move in the direction of my own true desires.

I am uplifted and supported in this action.

I am loved, cherished, and adored.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, June 11, 2017

How Important is Balance?

Nature is designed with balance.

A budget works best in balance.

Staying mentally and emotionally balanced creates a good decision-making environment.

Good coordination gives us physical balance.

A life of work and play is in balance.

A balanced diet gives us a full compliment of nutrients.

Being with friends and being alone gives a balance between friendship and reflection.

Eating rightly and sleeping sufficiently keeps the body in balance.

Keeping enough good news coming in helps balance the emotions caused by the bad news.

Success is a balance between understanding challenges and meeting them.

Staying hydrated keeps the body in balance.

Performing interesting work without being overwhelmed by it keeps a balance between a stimulating and comfortable atmosphere.

Living within one’s means creates a stable financial balance.

Having many different kinds of skills provides balance in a community.

There is a balance between businesses and the needs they meet.

A wide range of ages, interests and abilities keeps a community in balance.

There is a balance by having needs met which makes room for creative thinking. 

Periods of activity are balanced by periods of rest.

An environment which respects the needs of everyone creates solutions to serve everyone.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Our Words

Our ideas take shape in images and thoughts and then are translated into words.

We create both good and bad aspects of our world with our words.

Choosing our words to reflect an uplifting attitude contributes to a positive sense of life for all who are impacted by them.

We, especially, feel the force of our own words.

What do we say about ourselves?

Is it repeating the attitude of the people around us?

Are they positive or negative attitudes?

We can also choose our own direction even if we have been told negative things repeatedly.

We can decide to tell ourselves really good things.

We can live in the consciousness of what we are creating with uplifting and positive words about ourselves.

This creates new habits.

A sense of dread or despair drops away.

It is replaced by quiet confidence and happiness.

We are attracted to better surroundings and circumstances.

Our lives improve.

Describing ourselves and the life we wish to live in positive ways moves us toward that life.

There is that much power in our words.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage