When you are all lone in carrying out a heavy load because of circumstances, you can get help and change what is happening to you right away.
There is always an answer, always a solution. It is the same as having the next breath to take in. You have to let out the old one, because it can’t do you anymore good, in order to have room for the next one.
Breathe in the next breath with the thought that there is a solution. And then pause, while you continue breathing, of course, and listen for an idea.
Practice doing this until you hear the idea.
Thank the Universe for the idea and listen for the next idea. Breathe and listen until you feel directed to take action. Or maybe breathe and listen and be amazed at the connections that begin to happen.
You will have to get in the habit of this new practice in order to see your circumstances change. The more devoted you become to listening, the more readily you can see your circumstances begin to change.
Keep thanking the Universe for the ideas even before you are aware of receiving them, and following up on the ideas that come to you. This will create a flow. It is a different kind of exchange. Breathe and listen.
© 2013 Kathryn Hardage
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