Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Trust yourself

 At this time and in this place, trust yourself.

While I was raising my very large family, I received this “wisdom”, that each child brings its own supply.

As I clung to the spiritual meaning behind this, I calmed down.

That allowed me to hear the ideas which I needed and to provide for my children.

At one point, I was having a panic attack in the grocery store.

As I calmed down, I saw a large package of fresh spinach.

I remembered that I always liked  to make a large batch of soup for my family.

As I bought the onions and garlic and bacon, I continued to feel provided for.

I was able to complete the rest of my grocery shopping for the week and to come home and to cook.

This feeling of supply occurred, both during my marriage and when I was a single parent.

Now, it continues to be true for me in retirement.

I am finding more ways to be useful and inspired and paid.

My long-term commitment to listening within is yielding even better results in this day and age.

I am learning to trust myself to be able to learn new skills.

My new skills are connecting me with greater opportunities.

I am able to share my “wisdom”, which inspires other people.

Trust yourself in the step you are in today and in all the others which come to you.

Your ideas come to you for practical action.

They come when you are calm.

This is your greatest resource becuase it connects you to everything else you need.

© 2020  Kathryn Hardage 

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