Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Open Channels

When we receive the ideas which make us feel most useful and valued, they also include ways of releasing them.

All the steps for release and reward are included from the beginning of the inception of the idea.

They show up as needed, when we are ready for them, and start looking for them.

From the beginning, we are a success.

First of all, the ideas found us, the receptive party, to express them.

Then the ways to release them appear.

Each step to best promote and feature the idea comes as needed.

We, the receptive party, are enabled to reap the rewards of our work in listening and following the steps for release.

The ideas go forth to those best prepared to receive them.

They go to those best prepared to appreciate and share them and to value them and to best see the changes and enhancements in their lives through using them.

This appreciation comes back to us, as a receiving and releasing vessel.

Our nurturing and love and persistence is always rewarded.

We are open to being rewarded and provided for in this natural sequence.

The ideas are provided for and so are we.

It is included from the beginning.

It is part of the plan also.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

My Work

I am so very loved.

I love me.

I love what I do.

I love how I contribute to society.

I love the response I receive.

Everyone loves my materials and loves sharing them with their children.

They uplift everyone who uses them.

They give them a sense of being good and feeling good about who they are.

They give them a sense of being precious and valued.

They give them a sense of practical achievement through caring for the earth.

They inspire them to be and to create through their unique individuality.

They inspire them to be happy.

I am so happy and grateful for this work.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Every Step Empowered

First step:  Listen to the Universe.

It will give you your purpose.

Second step:  Listen to the Universe.

It will tell you how to proceed.

Third Step:  Listen to the Universe.

It will make any adjustments that are necessary.

Fourth step:  Listen to the Universe.

It will transport you.

Fifth step:  Listen to the Universe.

It will connect you.

Sixth step:  Listen to the Universe.

It will provide for you.

Seventh step:  Listen to the Universe.

It will inspire you.

Eighth step:  Be grateful to the Universe.

Repeat as needed.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Peacefully Moving Forward

After rigorous soul-searching and study, I am finding my way.

I am learning to go within for all the answers I need.

After thinking my way through several possibilities due to unexpected changes, I realized my best step was to go within for the best answer.

I am finding it, and I am also finding a sense of peace as I take my next steps.

It is so different working from a spiritual perspective.

The purpose and every step of manifestation proceeds with deep calm and trust and quiet happiness.

There are no doubts, only the sense to keep shining, and each step will open up.

The shining happens from contemplating the ideas that appear from within.

They know how best to express themselves.

I am only the vessel.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, November 4, 2013

Blessed, Blessed Rebirth

It is always a wonderful thing to be present at the birth of a new baby.

In some ways, it is an even more awesome event to witness the rebirth of someone whose life has not gone as hoped.

By pouring in the missing love, confidence and support, we can bear witness to our own rebirth.

And our rebirth inspires another and another.

It is a quiet thing, rebirth.

It gathers force so very gently, until all the obstacles which have built up over a lifetime are dissolved.

A person who was seen as hopeless, acquires success.

A person who was downtrodden, is uplifted by his or her own perceptions from within.

It is such a relief to be able to overcome a lifetime of disappointments.

It is Grace.

Sometimes success comes later, even much later.

It is even sweeter when that happens.

Seeing a much longer life ambition manifest causes us to pause in our judgement.

Trusting that somewhere, somehow, each person will feel the support and love of the Universe is a more compassionate view.

That each person will find rebirth in this world, through finding resources within, this is the promise of what I have been privileged to bear witness to.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

What There Is Of Me

What there is of me is formed for a spiritual purpose.

When I listen deeply, I can hear it.

I can feel it.

It is not shaped by this world, although it may take shape within it.

It has a different shape than the one I learned in order to prepare myself to have a job and to raise a family in this world.

The spiritual purpose shape comes to me in a different way.

Through listening.

Not through training and college courses.

Not through experiences, whether they are good or bad.

Through listening alone, I am given my purpose and the way to carry it out.

I don’t exactly know how to describe this, except to say it is a feeling.

When I listen, I get a feeling and then something comes to mind and I do it.

Or something comes to mind and I do something entirely different from what I thought I was supposed to do.

Anyway, it just happens.

And things happen around me, outside of me.

Things adjust.

Suddenly, I am assigned a new location.

Unexpectedly, the plans I had for that new location are changed and I have to do something else.

The new something else takes me off in a completely different direction.

And there I arrive.

Exactly where I am supposed to be.

Able to fulfill my spiritual purpose, which looks like a job in a location, but it is completely different.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, November 1, 2013

A Chemical Addiction

After reading Evolve Your Brain, by Dr. Joe Dispenza, I understand a little more about the brain’s chemistry.

When we combine that with how habits are built and maintained, it is easier to understand why it is hard to change direction in our lives.

The old habits are reinforced by the chemical brain which keeps producing more of what it has produced in the past.

So, in order to create new habits and to reform the old processes, we basically have to break a chemical addiction.

The miracle is that this can be done.

In following the steps and recommendations in Dr. Dispenza’s book, it is possible to create new tracks in the various neuro-systems.

And with the great desire for doing so, a new life can be built.

I thought I was doing pretty well in rewiring myself and creating new patterns and tracks for my behavior.

And I am.

But something set me off on the old path of emotional reaction and it took a few hours of distracting myself and feeding myself with comforting activities, (I chose to draw and embroider,) to do to finally calm myself back down.

I have so much more respect for people who are coming off drugs and going through rehab now.

If this was what I face mentally, I can just barely imagine a small part of what they are facing physically.

So, I have another layer of compassion now.

And I am also being more respectful of myself and appreciative of my progress so far.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Help for Your Children

Even during the worst of your depression and helplessness, a Higher Power is lifting you up and providing for your children.

Ours each found mentors and confidants when they needed them.

They were able to take the best of what we had to offer them, and it was considerable, and to find the other help and support that we were unable to provide at that time.

When you see a child in a harsh environment and you are unable to do something directly for them, please know that your awareness and your desire are adding to their ability to find a way out.

If you are experiencing an insurmountable burden, even though you are willing to get involved, you do not belong there. 

Take care of your own burdens first.

Then, from a position of strength, you can help without being pulled down.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Effects on Children

I am grateful for my courage and persistence.

I have hesitated to do the things that took care of me in the past.

I was taught that my desires and needs were not important, so I learned to compensate.

Now that I am learning that it is OK to take care of myself.

 In fact, it is required in order to express my divine purpose and individuality.

No one knows what the deep things are within, except the person living them.

When we take care of ourselves even in the smallest ways, we are aligning ourselves with our larger purpose.

We must work from comfort to comfort others.

We must trust ourselves in small ways in order to trust ourselves in large ways.

We must listen for small corrections and make them in order to arrive at our destination.

Otherwise, we will arrive somewhere off course.

I have spent quite some time correcting my course.

Now I have the courage and persistence to stay on it.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Courage and Persistence

I am grateful for my courage and persistence.

I have hesitated to do the things that took care of me in the past.

I was taught that my desires and needs were not important, so I learned to compensate.

Now that I am learning that it is OK to take care of myself.

 In fact, it is required in order to express my divine purpose and individuality.

No one knows what the deep things are within, except the person living them.

When we take care of ourselves even in the smallest ways, we are aligning ourselves with our larger purpose.

We must work from comfort to comfort others.

We must trust ourselves in small ways in order to trust ourselves in large ways.

We must listen for small corrections and make them in order to arrive at our destination.

Otherwise, we will arrive somewhere off course.

I have spent quite some time correcting my course.

Now I have the courage and persistence to stay on it.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage