Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What I Am Celebrating Today


I have been married to this man for twenty-six years.

This is a good year.

There are many things that have been resolved in this year.

There were some years that rushed along, headstrong, and fast.

There were some years that were very trying, very difficult.

I can chart the progress.

From lust to intimacy.

From madly keeping everything going with a large number of children,

Plus their other parents.

To time alone together for the first time.
(We married with five children between us and added two more in this marriage).

From misunderstandings based on embedded past experiences, and a desperate need to turn things around.

Aside from the superficial things like learning to cook just for two (I never really got it figured out; I just started canning),

I have been blessed with the opportunity for deep reflection for the last few years, very deep reflection and study.

I began to rewrite the terms I am living on, and that is changing the times I am living in.

I am living in good times, with a good man.

I have learned to cultivate who I am from the inside.  It has shown me more deeply who my husband is.

I know the difference between what comes in from the outside and what is really happening from the inside.

Being able to discover what this marriage is about, despite the world around us, is one of the most rewarding experiences I continue to have.

In love,

I am,

Kathryn Hardage

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

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