You will know.
When it just feels natural and so comfortable to be around the people you are encountering.
When you feel at home and as though you have always known them, even though they have new and interesting stories.
When you are doing something you love and there are other people there who love what is happening.
When you follow up on something that is important to you and there are other people who find it important.
When there is so mc appreciation for you and what you have to contribute.
When you truly enjoy what other people are saying and doing.
When you have other interests you want to share with each other.
When you are satisfied with the meeting and look forward to the next one.
When you think back on it, and know you have found your tribe and do not feel lonely even when they are not around.
When your surroundings are so much broader in real life now that you have experienced what it feels like to be in your tribe.
When you feel good.
Then you know.
© 2013 Kathryn Hardage
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