Saturday, November 19, 2011

Disruption and Seeking Peace

I am so sorry to hear about disruptions in people’s lives.

I know how that has felt for me.

But I finally learned that this is shaking me up so I can learn something better.

Several years ago, a relative’s house burned down.  Her response was, “What was it that the Universe was trying to tell me that I would not pay attention to?”

She began listening very deeply and found out where her attention needed to be directed.

Over six years ago, I was in a serious car wreck.  Gratefully, I walked away with minor injuries (I was still alive) and because of the spiritual healing tradition I had grown up in, I knew my physical injuries would be healed.

Over a period of six months of deep, intense listening, I was redirected in my life.

Although I do not welcome disruption, I have become more alert in my life.

Hopefully, I can listen for guidance and make course corrections as I go, so it does not require an upheaval.

I am grateful for my new direction, attitude and spiritual tools.

I am grateful for greater service and the ability to acquire new skills.

I am grateful for deeper peace and more consistent happiness.

I am grateful to be a more aware listener.

© 2011 Kathryn Hardage

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