What did I do this week to promote the feeling of being loved, cherished and adored?
I helped load a pick-up truck bed full of firewood, ends from a pallet factory, for our wood-burning stove.
It took about a half hour to load, with me standing up higher and higher on the stack so as to take advantage of the gravity effect. Husband was on the ground.
It took about an hour to unload and stack, with me sitting in the back of the pick-up and moving large, then small, pieces of wood forward for (aforesaid) husband to stack in the newly (husband-) built woodshed.
We now have approximately one-third cord of wood, which should take care of about half our winter needs.
(It doesn’t take much to heat a 12 x 20 tiny house in the woods.)
It just felt good to be working together.
It felt good to be doing something very useful.
It felt good to see measurable results in a couple of hours time.
We are in a beautiful, if overgrown, setting, with clean air and lots of meadow scents and sounds.
It is like bathing in a setting of gentleness and natural comfort.
The senses get to rest.
They are eased form the harshness of mechanical sounds and surfaces.
Yes, it is a lot of work which we didn’t do in our city life.
Yes, we are looking for more ways to make it easier and more comfortable.
For instance, I will plant fruit trees in front of the cabin and other retreat buildings to help deal with the heat.
However, it is unequivocally rewarding and peaceful to the soul.
© 2016 Kathryn Hardage