Saturday, April 28, 2018

A Gardening Solution

I was disappointed to find out that a couple of glass panes had been broken out of my cold frame at the back of the garden.  I had been “cooking” a new compost pile during winter and would not be able to continue adding to it as planned.

I knew there was a solution for my situation and I began preparing to access it by not getting mad.  I always include the whole neighborhood when I do my spiritual work.  It includes the high school students who walk back and forth to school and home, people who drive by, anyone passing by who comes to thought.

After a visit to a nearby antique mall, I saw an old window similar to the one I used for my cold frame.  That started a train of thought where I realized I could remove the cold frame and let the composting process take its course.  In a year or two when the bacteria have fully digested the compost, I can screen it and filter out the glass.  That way, I do not have to worry about getting glass shards in my hands, nor getting glass in the compost mix.

I was grateful for the solution and for not wasting much time on frustration or anger.  I cannot control other people’s feelings or actions, but I can learn to make my own time more and more productive.  This was an opportunity to do so.

I also realized I can take care of many of the items in my garden as they exist and add the next steps to what I have.  Making a list helps me appreciate the abundance of my new starts and aware of the attention I can pay to last season’s plantings.

I can enter a new era of gardening by building on my beginner’s knowledge and adding to it.  
So many old and new friends have gardens and share their experience and plants generously.  I am grateful to be able to expand my garden again this year.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, April 23, 2018

Staying in My Own Mind

Sorting out the confusion over the trauma of early childhood has taken some time.

Interpreting which thoughts are the ones I choose rather than the ones I was taught has taken additional effort.

I am learning that the mind I choose to cultivate as mine is happy and creative.

I am creative whether I am happy or sad, ecstatic or depressed, so I choose the positive version.

I have my own feeling of calmness, so I can notice the contrast when disruption approaches.

I have my own self-respect, so I notice the difference.

I have my own goals, which I love completing.

I love my friends who enjoy the same kinds of activities I do.

There is a consistency to me.

It is okay to be visible.

It is fun to get together and learn and share things in my many craft and homesteading skills groups.

As a matter of fact, I enjoy my life and living in my own mind.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage