Sunday, September 17, 2017

Return to Center

Despite being upset, it is always possible to return to your own true center.

The balance can be startling and last for a time, but the true center emerges.

I am grateful for my many new and useful calming tools to help me focus on where I want to be and what I want to feel.

Someone else’s viewpoint, as much as I would like to embrace them in my world, has nothing to do with me.

I certainly cannot control the perceptions of others.

I can always return to my true center and be the person I love and enjoy.

I am grateful to surround myself with gracious and raucous friends with genuine feelings of fun and support.

I am grateful to surround myself with materials and tools for creativity and beauty.

Providing the space to do what I love is having more far-reaching effects than I ever imagined.

I appreciate this activity more and more every day.

I love how doing what I love puts me in touch with people who appreciate who I am.

Anyone who has a desire to see me in my true light always has that opportunity.

I am not responsible for the view from without.

I know who I am from within and I love me.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

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