I am back on my emotional feet after experiencing a deep, depressive fog for the past two days.
This is a testament to the new life-giving practices I have learned to direct my life.
At first, I could only remember that there always had been solutions, but I did not have the strength to even lift my head to look around.
Then, I heard a gentle message that I was in a safe place, that I was in a place where I could not be hurt.
This was extremely reassuring.
Finally, as I took up a meditative practice I have of drawing, I began to hear some of the specific healing messages.
They came in the form of two videos. (And there are more!)
The first one is about biomicry, and the products which have already been developed and which are being sold which counteract the dangerous effects of CO2.
The following one is about twelve designs in Nature which all already being studied and utilized in developing cleaner, more effective practices in industry.
So, even while I have been distracted by the horrific effects of ignorance and selfishness and greed and their destructive results, long-term studies which are extremely positive and useful and effective are already in the landscape.
My conclusion is that what we are witnessing is the clash which happens when the first steps of conscious awareness begin to activate in the large body of society and civilization.
So many of us have already experienced it on an individual scale. (Look at the companies which are already using positive practices. (Natural Capitalism written in 1999 documents even more of these.
Now it is simply scaling up.
And we know, from personal experience, from watching Nature, and from healing from personal traumatic events, that we also will be active participants and observers of the healing of society.
© 2016 Kathryn Hardage