Monday, June 22, 2015

Awareness and Control

I am noticing as I take control of my life, that my body still remembers and responds to many of the old habits it learned while under duress.

I am now taking the time to reeducate my body by deciding what to do about the past.

In the past, I did not have the tools to redirect my life.

Now I do.

In the past, I was under the direction and requirements of my parents.

Now, this is my responsibility.

In the past, I only had my own experiences to base my life on.

Now, I have access to the experiences of lots of other people, and I can tell the difference between a good life and a bad life.

With the tools, the responsibility and the awareness of good and bad patterns, I am consciously changing some of my reactions.

I am able to hear the language which produced the panic and trauma, and to replace it.

I have control over what I do, where I go, and when I can leave!

I can remove myself from any disagreeable circumstance.

I can remove the reactions to disagreeable circumstances from the past.

It is another technique.

I am learning to control my present life and to live it more happily as I become aware and take control.

I am so grateful.

© 2015 Kathryn Hardage

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