Friday, April 25, 2014


Every day is light and everything in that day is light.

There is nothing else in any day except light.

Everything in every day is made of light.

It is forever and all the time.

Even in the most desperate emotional agony, there is something that can distract you and break through and give you light.

Regardless how trivial it may seem, the fact that it can break through and give you light makes it more powerful than even the most desperate emotional agony.

Heaviness is not part of your day.

Not depression, despair or discouragement.

Just light.

There is always some light, somewhere.

If you can’t find it without, then look for it within.

If you are too overcome to find it within, then there will be something outside that will break through the heaviness and the darkness.

It will.

Your world is bigger than any negative thing that can be thrown at you, no matter how long it has been going on.

The light is there.

It is there for you.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, April 19, 2014

True Love

I truly love, cherish and adore who I am.

It is so wonderful to feel the presence of ideas which support me every day.

I love how cultivating these ideas from within has taught me to truly value myself.

I spend more time in the presence of uplifting ideas from within than I do on the things that are coming to me from without.

I am good company for myself with these uplifting ideas.

I am in the habit of writing down good ideas now, so that they flow more and more easily.

I love being inspired and inspiring.

I love trusting myself with what I love to do, so that it is creating more opportunities for me to do it.

Just the feeling of having access to unlimited good ideas gives me a sense of prosperity and safety.

I always have good ideas supporting me.

I always have good ideas to share.

This creates a community around me which truly values every member as we all share the ideas which we love and which define us.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, April 18, 2014

New Work

As we wind up our work and life in one area, a new one opens up.

We may have been making plans for this for years.

It may be unexpected due to other forces.

As the new requirements come in, planned or unplanned, we find ourselves shifting our weight, keeping a fine balance, staying in tune to the new possibilities and requirements.

I am amazed at the emotional investment and energy it takes even to move smoothly from one thing to the next.

The next step is always there, always waiting, until we can get our new bearings.

Then, after gaining our balance and changing our emphasis, we can proceed in the new direction.

All the details are being attended to.

We see them as other priorities are fulfilled.

What is this exciting new and fulfilling life?

It is the promise fulfilled, the dream realized, the goal attained.

It keeps expanding, bringing in new energy, new ideas, increasing our service and outreach.

Experience does count and so does dreaming.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, April 4, 2014

Loving Ourselves Enough

When we love ourselves enough, we trust what comes to us from within as the very best ideas we could possibly receive.

We know that our wealth comes from within.

We know that our companionship comes from within.

We know that our ability to hear what we need to do and when, comes from within.

All the other factors that appear on the outside are irrelevant.

They are all effects.

Reacting to them just causes us to change our course over and over again, or to try to gain control of it by controlling others.

We will never need to control others once we discover the secret of listening within.

Even if the controlling desires of others seem to affect us in some way, we are still able to listen within to find our own solutions.

Because our solutions come to us, they may not work for anyone else.

Each person has the privilege and the responsibility for listening within for the perfect solutions which apply to them.

I love finding this out and learning to practice it in my own life.

I love the opportunity to share this discovery with others.

I am grateful for the inspired writers who have shared it with me.

The more I hear it, the more I learn from it.

It is the best and only way to take care of ourselves when we love ourselves that much.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

No foolin'

I live a charmed life now.

I have a way to detect the lies that are coming at me.

What uplifts me is good and true.

What tries to take away my happiness and poise is a lie.

In addition to my lie detector, I have lots of tools to help keep me afloat and moving forward.

The first is learning to appreciate and love myself so very much.

Another is learning to rewrite the old script so consistently, that the new one of love and appreciation replaces it immediately and almost automatically.

I learned as a young child the concept of “standing porter at the door of thought” in the spiritual healing tradition in which I was raised.

I have learned that I can choose the direction my life is to take and I can learn the skills to take me there.

I love practicing my new skills and the fact that I am being taken where they can continue expanding.

I have learned to create my new life by listening within and then releasing my hidden splendor.

Lies are only useful until you learn the simple lesson that they never were and never  are true.

No foolin’!

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage