Every day is light and everything in that day is light.
There is nothing else in any day except light.
Everything in every day is made of light.
It is forever and all the time.
Even in the most desperate emotional agony, there is something that can distract you and break through and give you light.
Regardless how trivial it may seem, the fact that it can break through and give you light makes it more powerful than even the most desperate emotional agony.
Heaviness is not part of your day.
Not depression, despair or discouragement.
Just light.
There is always some light, somewhere.
If you can’t find it without, then look for it within.
If you are too overcome to find it within, then there will be something outside that will break through the heaviness and the darkness.
It will.
Your world is bigger than any negative thing that can be thrown at you, no matter how long it has been going on.
The light is there.
It is there for you.
© 2014 Kathryn Hardage