Monday, September 17, 2012

Personal Integrity

Nothing can violate the integrity of who you are.

Nothing that comes at you from the outside can get through to you.

The only way it can appear to do so is if you are temporarily overwhelmed by fear.

When you conquer your fear, despite anything that appears to have happened to you, you, your integrity, your identity, has never been violated.

That is why, despite many obstacles, you can go on with portions of your life.

As you clear out those obstacles and the fear they engendered, you can actually restore all of your life back to yourself.

You can accomplish your dreams.

You can meet the right person.

You can serve humanity on a much larger scale.

The depravity that attacked you and caused the despair in your life can be overcome by your consistency in filling yourself up with deep spiritual truth.

Deeper than anything you have ever read, heard, studied.

You will discover an integrity in yourself beyond words.

No weapon, no gossip, no sexual assault, no verbal attack can penetrate beneath your personal integrity and undermine who you are.

This is a spiritual law for all time and in all circumstances.

It is your truth.

© 2012 Kathryn Hardage

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